2.07 Hold up, wait

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Cody's POV

It's been a few weeks since the incident and we are all able to go home. Of course Cameron is gonna be in a wheelchair along with Carter, but that's just until they recover. We all get to take a break from your and go home for a bit, tho we still will be meeting up a lot. Especially since not that I'm close to 5 months, I'm about 4 and a half. My bump had gotten pretty big to where I can hold it in my hands and i can feel little kicks every once and a while. I love it.

Anyway, so Matt is going to be staying with us half of the break from your then I'm going to go to his for the rest. Then of course Nash is staying with Cameron and Aaron is going to be comming over all the time for Hayes.

Speaking of here we are.... Home. "Cody Oh my goodness you've gotten so big." My mother fangirls, running to the car to greet us. "Hi mom. Um thanks I guess." I laugh as Matt's helps me out of the car. When Matt let's go of my hands I head to the trunk of the car while him and my mom where talking, to grab my bag. I get it out of the trunk and it lands by my side with an 'emph'. Matt looks over to me then quickly runs over, taking the bag.

"No. bad Cody. No lifting." He thumps me on the nose. I ppout and look to my mom for help but she just shrugs. "Don't look at me. He's right." I pout More and made my way inside. I was about to head to the kitchen when a tiny human jumped on me causing me to fall on my ass.

I hiss in pain and look to the tiny creature. Skylynn. My the messy blonde hair it's undeniable. "Hey sky." I laugh as she hugs my belly bump. "Bubba your tummy Is big." I nod and giggle. "That's because there is a baby inside of there." She has an 'O' face and knocks on my belly then puts her ear to it. "Hello. Baby. Why are you on there!?" She yells.

I laugh and suddenly she's picked up off of me. She squeals as Hayes attacks her in tickles. Matt helps puts down bags he was holding and helps me up. "Thank you." I smile and peck his lips. He replies a no problem and tells me to go sit down. I pout but head to the living room non the less.

A few minutes pass and all of our bags are in and we are all sitting in the living room when my mom asks me a question. "Why is your stomach so big for four months?" I look to Matt and he nods. I look back to my mom and sigh. "Well mom that's because I'm having twins." She sits there for a moment. Silent. It scares me. Then she pops up and hugs me squealing. "This is so exciting. I'm gonna be a grandma." She pulls away. "I'm gonna go make cake." She runs to the kitchen as we laugh and I suddenly get a phone call. "Hey it's gonna be a bit how about you take a nap?" Matt comments. I nod actually tired and I Kay my head on his lap before falling into a blissfully sleep.


I'm woken to my ringtone and I sit up, stretching a bit. I look around to see everyone gone and I look to my phone.

Incoming call J.J.

I yawn and answer. "H-Hello?" "We have a problem." I groan. "How bad?" He laughs from the other end. "It's a good problem... But I think jacks pregnant." "Wait what?" "Jacks sick and showing the signs... I think he's pregnant." I sigh. "Okay here's what you do....."



I wake up and role to the other side of the bed to cuddle jack...but the bed is empty. I sit up and rub my eyes and look around. I was about to call for jack when I hear a noise. I get up and walk to the bathroom, going wide eyed at the sight.

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