2.02 Surprise Pt 1

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(Too much drama for a title) (also the phone scene was written by Amirmartin23 so go give him a follow and check out his stories! He's basically the reason I had this idea and was the entire inspiration)

Cody's POV:

I feel drained. I feel heavy. And.....its dark? Oh. My eyes are closed. I flutter my eyes open only to met with a bright light. I groan and cover my eyes. "CODY! Oh my god! Are you feeling okay? Get the nurse Hayes." I hear a familiar voice yell. I uncover my eyes and look around. All of the boys are in the room, we'll except Hayes. He went to get the nurse. I turn to the direction the voice came from.....Nash. Of course. I sigh and close my eyes. Opening them again when I hear a female call my name. " Cody Grier?" I nod. She smiles. " Well Hello. Are you feeling okay?" She asks, feeling my pulse, then writing stuff down. I nod again. "We took a blood sample from you to see what may have caused you to calapse but from what I can tell now is dehydration..... So we will call you with the results and for now you are ready to go." She says with a smile. I thank her as she leaves the room. I look around to see the boys looking at me. "What?" I ask standing up. Shawn sighs "you weren't okay." I look at him and smile sadly. "Yeah. But I'm okay now.....let's just get to the hotel." I say walking out of the hospital room. I go to the desk and sign my self out and walk out, the boys close behind me.

*time skip*

I was aloud to participate today as long as i stayed careful. And now We just got done with our meet and greet and the boys and I are playing around backstage. We started playing random games and recording videos waiting for the que when we can leave.

I'm laughing at all the boys goofing off when I feel buzz in my pocket so I take out my phone and answer it, putting it on speaker seeing its the hospital.
*"Hello" I said
"Is this Cody Grier?" A female voice said
"Yes ma'am" I replied.
"You were here yesterday correct" she asks
"That's right..." I said
"Okay great. Well there's nothing that looks wrong or anything. Everything looks good for you and your babies."
Everyone in the room gasped. I looked to Matt to see him with wide eyes.
"E-Excuse me, ma'me....what?" I asked shocked
"What? I'm sorry I thought you knew....Cody your pregnant....with twins." The doctor stated.
I suddenly felt distanced from everything. I could hear the lady calling my name and I came out of my thoughts when Nash took my cell phone.
"Hey? Yeah this is his older brother. He'll call you back." Nash said before hanging up. *

I look around to see the boys looking at me. And I look to Nash in panic and shock. "I'm a guy......this is fake...its a prank." I say with wide eyes looking around. I see from the corner of my eye, Nash walking forward. I start breathing heavily. I look to him and back up, wrapping my arms around my waist on instinct. "Cody. You need to calm down. This is a panic attack." I hear a voice that's not Nash's say.... My chest starts tightening and I back up against the wall and slide down it, trying to breathe. I can faintly hear the boys yelling at each other. "Cody. It's Matt calm down. Breathe. In and out. We don't want to hurt the babies." Matt says kneeling in front of me.

I look at him in the eyes and feel tears start prickling my eyes, my panic attack slowly passing. He wraps his around me, pulling me into a hug. I start crying into his shoulder. I can hear Nash saying to give us privacy and all the boys leave. "Cody. Shhh. Its okay. Calm down. Breathe." I calm my breathing fully, still with my head on his shoulder. He pulls me into his lap and starts to rub my back. I sigh, my tears stopping as well. "Why are you panicking my love?" Matt says, kissing my temple. "I'm not leaving you alone for this. Plus the boys will help out.." I nod Into his shoulder. "What am I gonna do Matt?" I sigh. He laughs lightly. "Well you are going to be an amazing dad. And I'm also gonna be an amazing dad." I bring my head up to look at him. "Cody....I know you don't trust me as you did a bit ago....so could we try again." He asks smiling. "W-what do you mean." He sigh "let me be there for you and the babies....will you be my boyfriend again." I look to him with wide eyes, and I nod. "Yes. Yes. Yes." I say smiling. He looks at me happily and says "well than how about we go talk to the other boys. Huh?" I nod and we both get up.....well this is going to be a journey.


A\N HEY GUYS!! I hope you liked the chapter! If you have any ideas or requests please message me or comment! Also if you have any criticism go ahead and send it I personally believe it makes me a better author so I know to improve! Anyway I hope you are having a wonderful day! See you soon

Song - tag your it by Melanie Martinez - Nightcore version


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