1.07 No Way

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Cody's pov

I wake up to a alarm with the bed beside me empty. I panic a bit when I see the clock at 1:09 in the afternoon. Until I see a note from Matt.

Dear Cody
I'm sorry I didn't wake you up, but you looked so peaceful and I couldn't do it. Any who we had a performance at the Gallaria Bolivar Arena so if you want to join a back stage pass in the desk. I love you codes I will see you soon.
Love Matt

Awe he's so sweet. I smile then get up and get dressed. Once I am dressed I head up to the destination. There are thousands of people there.

"Wow" I say. I look around and spot a guard. "Hey Mr. Im supposed to meet someone backstage how would I get back there?" I ask and show him my pass. "Okay follow me." "Thanks" I replied and follow the guard backstage.

*time skip brought to you by the lazy person with a cracked screen*

As I'm walking backstage I see someone who looked vaguely familiar. "DINOBEAR IS THAT YOU OR NAH!" I scream and see him laugh and turn around. I walk up to him and give him a hug and a peck on the lips. "Hello to you to." He chuckles. I blush and hide my face in his neck as the other boys come up and laugh. "Awe Cody don't hide your blush your beautiful." Matt said and pulled me to the dressing room with the boys laughing following us behind.

"So why are we in such a big arena I mean there's thousands of people out there." I ask the boys "actually there are a few more like million." Taylor replies. "Okay then but I feel like there's something you guys are keeping from me." They all look at each other than at me "we are hiding nothing." They all say in unison which freaked me out. "Ohtay then." They laugh. "Hey Cody I heard about how you liked 5 seconds of summer am I correct." Shawn asked me while sitting me down and sitting beside me. "Rem yea I love them." I replied "NOT AS MUCH AS ME!!" Mathew yells and I laugh "true baby." I say and kiss him. "Zayum you go Mathew." Aaron says "BABE STAPH. Your making my buns all shy and your making me mad." Hayes said as he alaped Aaron's shoulder. "Awe" I cooed at my brothers cuteness. He realized what he said and started blushing and hugging Aaron and bidding his blush. "Awe Nash, Jj, Cody, look he's blushing" Jack G said seeing and hugging Jj, Jj giggled. Everyone was being so cute today even Nash and Cameron were all cuddly. "GUYS WE HAVE A SHOW IN 5 MINUTES LETS GO!" Taylor yelled jumping up and bumping Shawn out of his lap. "Sorry shawnie" he apologized. Shawn nodded and smiled. "Come on." Shawn got up and shooed out Everyone to the curtain. I think Shawn is like our group mom and Taylor is like the fun dad. Lol my mind is weird.

"Were off." I yelled as we ran into the stage and the crowd went crazy "wow, wow, wo I have never seen so many people at one time." I say into the Mic and everyone laughs. "Cody hasn't experienced the fun part yet." Matthew giggled "okay guys I think they are on crack they have been all kind and cute all day it's scaring me." I say into the Mic and everyone laughs. And Shawn brings out a chair. And Matt sits me in it "GUYS THERE GOING TO KILL ME!" I joke "no we are not we have a supprise for you boo." Carter says. I laugh and sit there. "Okay so we have some people in the back and we are gonna bring them out but you have to be very quiet." Matt says "okay guys" he says once more..

All of asudden I hear a voice "hello were- OW WTF LUKE." I hear a voice say and we laughed they had a accent I knew this. "We were gonna say it together mikey." I swear I knew this. "GUYS come on go -Ahhhh and I tripped thanks cal" someone said and tripped apparently....we could hear it to. "No problem ash." Haha this is halarious. "WE ARE 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!" I hear and turn around and see my idols Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton. "Omg you asdfjkfbfj your jaldhjsbdjsms. Omg gasses thank you Matty!" I tell and hug Matt then I hug 5sos as they laugh. "No t to be rude or anything but why are you hear." I say with curiosity "We saw your YouTube videos of you singing our songs and we were like HEY he's good, he likes pizza, we will be friends." Michael said I laughed so did everyone else. "Well than would you guys like to sing together." I ask "sure" they all say "what song" Aston asked "erm Idk Matt what song" I ask Matt as he snakes his hands around my waist. He whispers something into my ear and I become excited. "YESS!" he laughs and I peck his lips and the croud cheers. I hold up the microphone and yell "How about Permanent Vacation?!" The crowd screams.

"Okay guys." Aston started.

" You say that I'm too complicated
Hung up and mis-educated
I say 9 to 5 is overrated
And we all fall down

I can't sleep 'cause my mind keeps racing
My chest hurts 'cause my heart keeps breaking
I'm so numb and I can't stop shaking
And we all fall down

Frustration, desperation
You say I need some kind of medication
Situation: no motivation
Destination: permanent vacation

Hey, I'm doing fine
And I know I'm out of line
So let's sing this one more time
It goes
Destination: permanent vacation

Na-na, na-na na na

Voices coming through the speaker
They can't make me a believer
I know I'm an under-achiever
And we're all so proud

Watch out, I think we're going under
Right now, you're just another number
Get out, the system's in the gutter
And we're all so proud

Frustration, desperation
You say I need some kind of medication
Situation: no motivation
Destination: permanent vacation

Hey, I'm doing fine
And I know I'm out of line
So let's sing this one more time
It goes
Destination: permanent vacation

Hey, I'm doing fine
And I know I'm out of line
So let's sing this one more time
It goes
Destination: permanent vacation

Na-na, na-na na na na na
Na-na, na-na na na na na

Congratulations, your imitations
Are taking over the radio stations
Corporations, calculations
We're the voice of the new generation

Congratulations, your imitations
Are taking over the radio stations
Corporations, calculations
We're the voice of the new generation

Hey, I'm doing fine
And I know I'm out of line
So let's sing this one more time
It goes
Destination: permanent vacation

Hey, I'm doing fine
And I know I'm out of line
So let's sing this one more time
It goes
Destination: permanent vacation" We finished up and the crowd went crazy. It was amazing. The boys were yelling and cheering to. I blushed and ran to Matt and hugged him. "Awe love we can't keep getting in these situations." He said and everyone laughed.

" Cody that was amazing. Would you mind if we talk to our producer and get you going." Calum said. I starred at him in shock "Really?" He Lolz to his other band mates and nods "yea." I screech and fanboy for a moment. "Yaaaassss." I say while rilinning around the stage flailing my arms. Everyone was laughing.

After that little bit we , meaning the boys and 5sos , did a bit of Q&A, finished up and then we hung out for a bit back at our hotel.

A/N well 5sos came in haha how do you think it would feel to meet them. Awesom thats what. Any way I wrote this before school and I have to go but just know the next chapter will come next week yup sorry Minnie codies but I will update. Later

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