2.05 The Accident Pt 1

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Cody's POV

I wake up with a start and look around. I'm on the bus? Oh yeah... I got sick. I noticed I was feeling better and tried to get up but was pulled back down. "Umpf." I look to see the cause and see Matt. *sigh* I remove his arm from around me, and walk into the front of the bus...why is no one up? I simply shrug and sluggishly go to the supply closet and pick out chips and a drink. I sit down at the table and start eating and play on my phone.

*time skip*

About 2 house have passed if me playing on my phone and the only other person that is up is the driver.... It's getting boring. "Matty?" I say shaking Matt slightly. He moves around a bit before his eyes flutter open. "H-huh?" He looks around tiredly, rubbing his eyes until his eyes go wide with panic and he jumps up and starts checking me over.

"Are you okay? Do you have a temperature? Is the baby okay? Why are you up? Isn't it like 8 o'clock in the morning?" He rambles on. I put my hands on his shoulder and force him to make eye contact with me, all while trying not to laugh.

"I'm fine. The baby is fine. No I don't have a temperature. I actually feel a lot better than yesterday. And I was hungry and then couldn't go back to sleep." I say with a smile. He sighs and pulls me into a hug. "Don't scare me like that." I laugh quietly and nuzzle my face into his neck.

"I'm okay now... Thank you for caring." I say pulling away from the hug. "I will always care..... But now it is time to go back to bed." I laugh as he picks me up and sets me into the bunk. He lays me down then gets in beside me, cuddling me to his chest. "I love you Cody." "I love you to Matt." And with that the peaceful darkness took over my mind.

***time skip...yes again***

I'm woken to yelling and screaming. I go to get up when I'm thrown down to something hitting the bus. My mind goes hazy and I feel pain along my right side. I try to see around but am met by smoke and debris. I see light and I try to concentrate...the front of the bus is gone? "Matt?!?!" I yell, my voice strained. I try to get up again but feel like I'm in a really uncomfortable position. Is the bus tipped over to?

I put my weight on my left side and try to get up. I start to hear yelling and sirens. I finally stand and walk along the clounters and broken windows. I guess it is turned on its side. "Matt!" I call out again walking towards the...what used to be front of the bus.

I wince as glass cuts through my feet. I finally feel my feet hit the concrete and the hot sun beats down on my wet forehead. Wait wet forehead? I reach up with my left hand and pull down to see red. I look around. Cops. Ambulance's. The Fire Department. Cars.... Where is Matt?

I see someone run towards me and I go to run backward but my feet give out. "Hey..Hey it's okay. Can I get some help over here!" The person yells. I try to make my vision focus but everything just stays in a blur. I feel my self get lifted and placed on...a bed? Maybe it's a couch... Really a couch. Hey it could be... Sure. Stop fighting.

"Can you tell me his name." Another person says. I feel multiple people crowd me and some one else says. "This is Cody. He's the younger ones brother." I try and find the one that is talking but I can't find them "Matt?" I ask quietly. My fusion starts to clear up and I can see my surroundings. I'm in an ambulance. "Don't worry Cody. Matt should be okay." I hear someone to my right say.

I look to my right and I can make out the face of.... J.J! My eyes go wide and I try to sit up to give him a hug. Him and the nurse beside me quickly push me back down. "Cody. You need to lay down. You are hurt and the baby might be to. So we need you to be still." I nod slightly, tears filling my eyes. "W-What happened?" I ask, my voice shaky. He sighs and puts his head in his hands.

"There was a tragic pile up. When it was our turn to go..... The truck came out of no where okay. It hit us dead on. Cameron shouted out a warning... But then the car was flipped. He was standing and he got thrown out of the car.... Shawn and Taylor where pretty banged up as well. Carter..... He was... In the front when it got torn off... He got thrown out as well but he is not as bad as Cameron. Jacob was sitting down, he has a few cuts but he's okay. Jack, Hayes and Nash are the same as Jacob. Then Aaron was walking between the rows and got hit on the head pretty badly. They think he will be okay tho. No internal damage from what they saw. " He stops talking and grabs my left hand.

"M-Matt?" I ask terrified. "Don't worry. Like I said Matt should be okay... He just.... Got cut up pretty badly...." I nod. "Is Cameron gonna be okay?" He was about to answer when the ambulance was brought to a stop and the commotion was brought back to life. Alarms are going through the hospital about multiple tramas and how multiple doctors are needed.

I'm immediately brought into a room and a doctor walks in. The doctor and the nurse start working on my cuts and cleaning them "The babies?" They look at me confused before the nurse gets a look of realization and runs to get a machine. The doctor raises my Shirt to see my 3 month little bump. (Yes as you can tell I changed it to 3. I did edit it in chapter 13)

The nurse quickly does the scan and let's out a sigh. "Your babies are okay.... As long as we get you healthy your babies will be okay." I nod and let them continue there work. I start to fall out of consciousness and I hear a machine beeping. Hmm I wonder what that means?

And the darkness consumes me.


A/N Hello. I know. I'm so sorry about my writers block. but I'm slowly but surely coming out of it. And I know the chapter seems short bit its my usual over 1000 words. Anyway. I hope you liked it. I'd you have any idea or suggestions comment or pm me. I kinda need ideas. THANKS FOR BEING HERE AND READING MY STORY EVEN THO I SUCK! and yeah.....stuff....I'm gonna continue working on chapters but they may come out slow.

My new favorite song: Believer by imagine dragons


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