2.12 Welcome To The World

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"My stomach hurts"

"How bad?"

"Its like getting stabbed in the abdomen."

"Nash.... Yeah it's Matt... I think Cody is in labor."

"Cody. I need you to stay calm okay." The pregnant boy nods, slightly panicked. "We are going to go to the hospital okay?" Cody nods. Matthew gives a smile to his lover before heading to the cabinet to get the over night bag.

"W-What about the b-boys?" Cody winces, pain sprouting in his lower back. Matt glances to Cody, still grabbing essentials

"Nash and Cameron are on their way up. They are calling the boys. We can call Mahogany once we get to the car tho." Cody groans, another wave of pain hitting him. That's when Matt decided that he needed to hurry up the paste. He quickly texted Nash to hurry. And continuees grabbing things.

Matt scrambles around the room, grabbing phones and a few more things before declaring they are ready. "Mattttttttt." Cody whines when Matt goes to leave the room. "I will be right back I promise."

Right when Matt exited the hotel room he let out a sigh seeing most of the boys running down the hallway. Nash is the dirt to him, concern on his face. "Cody?"

"He is fine. We just need to hurry this along. J.J., Shawn, Take these back to my car, you guys can ride with me and Cody, you to Nash. But I need your help before your help before you head down-" he quickly throws his keys to Shawn. "- drive it to the front of the car. Make sure sombofy gets Hayes and Aaron so they know what's going on. Meet us down there." Every one nods and starts the trip downstairs, leaving him and Nash, he's about to start talking when the sound of a cry makes him bolt back into the room.

He opens the door to see Cody arched over, hand on his lower back. Matt rushes to his side. "Cody? What's wrong? What happened?" Cody stays in this position for a few minutes, not answering any of Matt's questions. Cody finally let's out a breath and leans against him for support. "Contractions?" Cody just groans.

"We need to go to the car okay? I have Nash and we are going to have to carry you okay?" Cody quickly nods, slowing Nash on one side of him and Matt on the other, making it to where both boys can get an arm under him and one to support him.

They get him to the elevator when Matt notices the tears running down Cody's face. He gently kisses Cody's for head "your doing so good baby. Just keep breathing okay? in and out."
Cody follows a breathing patturn, quickly calming himself. He closes his eyes for a few minutes and just rests peacefully. The elevator doors open and they make there way to the entrance and through the doors they can see the boys waiting with the back doors to Matt's car open.

When they finally notice them coming Shawn starts the car, J.J. hopping in the passenger. Allowing Nash and Matt to situate Cody in the middle of the both of them and they were off.

While Nash was keeping Cody sidetracked Matt quickly picked up his phone calling Taylor.

"Hey!" Taylor basically yelled "is everything okay up there?" Taylor is 2 cars behind them at the moment.

"Yes, Cody is okay. We are all okay. Did someone ever find Hayes and Aaron?" There is silence on the other end for a few moments before the static of Taylor's voice comes through.

"-ith me. D....-n't worry." Matt could make out a few words from the sentence and quickly gave a goodbye before calling Mahogany.

"Sup my peep!" She yelled in to the phone. "Mahogany! Where are you at the moment?" Matt asks nonchalantly. "Houston why?" He lets out a sigh of relief "Cody went into labor." Mahogany squeals "Really!?! Where are you guys headed? What hospital? Am I close?"

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