2.13 Parent-It-Up

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The two new born twins lay fast asleep in their little beds. Their fathers on the other side of the room, talking to friends and family.

Cody. One of the fathers of Brendan and Liam. The two blue eyes beauties that mostly take after their motherly figure. Though when they get older will look much more like their father, Mathew. Is laying on the hospital bed, still on bed rest until he fully recovers. He is talking to the father and all of his friends, descussing plans for days to come.

Both weren't fully prepared for the two small babes, but the two teen parents will soon be pros at the difficult job.

That's what the small, awkward group is talking about, living situations and future plans.


"Have you guys finished the baby room?"

Cody glances to Matt before back to the boys. It's better they tell them now.

"We aren't making a baby room." The shocked looks on everyone's faces make Cody continue his sentence. "Me and Matt have been saving, plus we are basically millionaires with MagCon money. We are buying a house." Everyone e seems to relax.

"Where is it? How many rooms does it have?" Shawn gushes. Taylor laughs at his boyfriends antics and kisses his forehead.

Matt speaks up "Well it's a smaller mansion in LA. It has maybe 7 rooms, not including ours and the twins. It's big, but we thought maybe-" Cody quickly cuts off his lover. "Maybe you guys could move in with us!"

Shawn squeals and goes to hug Cody, who gladly excerpts the hug. "Yes! Yes! This is so exciting!" Shawn pulls back and goes to Taylor.

Everything is so cheerful.... Except one couple. Carter and Jacob. "I can't." The boys quiet down. "Why?" Matt asks confused. "College. I am going to study abroad in Europe." All while this is happening Carter is rubbing his boyfriend's shoulder. Giving him a little comfort because he knows his feelings about the subject.

"I could stay tho." Jacob announces quietly. "Couldn't you compromise and get a closer study?" Taylor speaks up.

Carter shakes his head. "No. In order for the scholarship to work I have to go. But we decided a plan. That every 3 months I will wisit for A week."

Aaron's mouth drops "that's only 4 times a year!" Jacob sighs. "It's the only thing that can work around his schedule."

The boys discuss the conversation a little more and go around telling plans for the future.

Hayes and Aaron had a quick discussion on what they when they would tell the boys about Aaron carrying. They dicided it's better to do it now then later.

"Cody?" Whispers Aaron. Cody turns his attention from his boyfriend to his friend. With a smile he says "hey Aaron. What's up?" Aaron makes sure none of the boys are paying attention when he grabs Cody's hand.

"I'm gonna show you something, don't freak out. Please?" Cody hesitantly nods and watched as Aaron brings Cody's hand to his stomach. 

At first Cody is confused but soon looks to Aaron in shock as he feels the stiffness at the bottom of his stomach.

"Your pregnant?!?" Cody squeaks. Aaron drops Cody's hand quickly and tries to shush him.

But, sadly, it's to late. The boys now have there full attention on him.

"What was that Cody?" Nash asks, looking at Aaron. "Aaron is pregnant!! Isn't this exciting!!" Shock is written over almost everyone's faces.

Aaron is shocked as well. He didn't expect Cody to be.... Happy. He backs up into Hayes' chest. Hayes gives him a smile of reassurance as the boys bombarded them with questions.

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