2.08 The Hate

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Cody's POV:

I look to the boys, who are all over visiting. They are hooting and hollering, throwing each other into pool. I smile slightly at them, then look back down to my book. A few peaceful minutes past and I feel arms wrap around my waist. I laugh lightly and close my book.

"Hey babe." I say to Matt. He lays his head on my shoulder looking over it. "What are you doing Cody?." I look to him confused. He pulls away and turns me around. "Why are you not in the pool?...and why are you wearing a sweater baby? Its like 92 degrees outside....." Matt asks massaging my 6 month stomach.

I sigh and cuddle into his shirtless self. "I'm cold...that's all. Plus Cameron isn't in the pool." I hold onto the bottom of my sleeve tightly and bite my lip. "Well Cameron is in a wheelchair. At least take off the sweater and just put on a short sleeve. Please? You could hurt the babies...." I lift my head off of his shoulder and glare at him.

"I'm cold Mathew! That means they're cold!" I whisper/yell. Mathew looks at me in shock. "I-I.....okay..just cool of at one point.....put your feet in the water." He sighs. I look at him in guilt "I'm sorry Matty..." "Its fine...hey I'm gonna go swim again." I nod and he gets up and walks away.......

I hate lying to him.... But I can't take off my sweater.....he'll see the cuts...I can't let him, or anyone see them... I sigh and stand up. "Cody where are you going?" Nash asks from talking with Cameron. I look over to him and put on a fake smile. "Im gonna go get a snack I will be right back." I say to him. He looks to me unsure but nods, getting out of the pool.

"I'll come to." I shake my head....my phone was beeping earlier and I wanted to check them alone.... "No its fine." I say quickly.

"Well I'm hungry so tuff up." Nash laughs putting on his shirt. I sigh in defeat. I start to walk inside, an arm wrapped around my stomach and a hand in my pocket, on my phone... "Cody! Wait up!" Nash yells running after me. I slow down slightly. I feel a hand on my back and I pull my hand out of my pocket and put it up.

"Whoa! Just me." Nash laughs. I sigh and continue walking to the kitchen. "So what do you want?" Nash asks with a smile. I look to him and put on a fake smile. "A Gatorade and an apple please." He nods and I look to the other room for a minute .....privacy....

"Hey I'm gonna use the bathroom." I say. "Mkay I'll wait." He says as he grabs snacks. I sigh and walk into the bathroom and lock the door....finally. I take out my phone....its.. Twitter? I look at the comments.....the hate comments.

Mattsbae: is it me or has Cody gotten fatter lol

MagconFaNgIrL: I heard he might be pregnant! Like ugh who's child is it slut!

awkwardperson: matt are you sure you love him? I mean he's gained a little weight....if you want something skinnier....DM me.

TheOutcast: Cody are you gaining? I'm not trying to be mean but I want go know if the pregnancy rumors are true.

BOSSofME: ugh guys shut up Cody is not pregnant! He's a guy! He's just fat! How stupid are you people!

I sigh as I continue reading the comments. Most talking about my weight. I feel tears rush down my face and soon I start sobbing. I put my hand to my mouth to keep quiet. Suddenly there is banging on the door. "CODY! Are you okay!?!?" Nash asks. "I'm fine!" I croak out. "Cody open the door." Nash says calmly. I wipe my tears and put my phone away. I open the door slowly and I see Nash with a serious expression on his face. I give him a small smile.

"H-Hey Nash" I say to him, looking at my bump. I sniff and he pulls me into a hug. "What happened Cody?" Nash asks calmly. "I'm fine." I say. "No your not....Cody...are you..." He looks to my sleeves and back to me and I look down.

"Oh baby brother...." Nash says hugging me tighter. I feel the tears coming again and I let them flow. "Its gonna be okay..." He says soothingly... I suddenly realize something and look up to him fast "You can't tell Matt!" He looks at me unsure "Please!!!" I beg him.

"Cody! Calm down! I won't tell matt. As long as you stop....and tell me....show me why." He says reassuringly..... I hesitantly hand him my phone. He looks at it confused. I sigh and unlocking it, it automatically opening twitter. He let's go of me and scrolls threw the phone as I stand here....looking down with a hand over my stomach....

I look up to Nash to see his jaw clenched and him furiously scrolling. I grab his hands and he looks at me. I smile at him sadly and he pulls me into a hug. "You shouldn't believe them. You are beautiful Cody. Your pregnant. With two beautiful angels.......don't listen to them.....Cody I'm so sorry I didn't see this earlier." Nash says rubbing my lower back. "Its not your fault they saw the truth." I say into his shoulder.

He yanks me back to look into my eyes. "They are not saying the truth....they are saying sick, twisted lies....you are not 'fat' your pregnant. Your not a slut or whore you have only had sex 1 time in your entire life! HECK!! You've only had 1 boyfriend!....Cody you are amazing, beutiful, funny, a one of a kind...no one can replace you.... I love you. Hayes loves you. The boys love you.....Mathew LOVES you.....please....stop." I look to him and nod, smiling with tears in my eyes. "I love you to bubba" I say into his chest. We stay in this position for the next couple minutes before heading back outside to the pool...to re join the reunion.


A/N I hope you enjoyed that! If you have any ideas or requests message me or comment! I will see you soon OH YEAH!! THIS WAS INSPIRED AND BASICALLY ENTIRELY PLANED BY Amirmartin23 SO GO GIVE HIM A FOLLOW PLEASE!!! HE'S SO AWESOME!!

Song - Weak by AJR -Nightcore version


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