1.03 Do We Have A Chance?

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Cody's POV

That's Mathew Espinosa if you didn't know. :)

*2 weeks later*

I have gotten quiet close to Mathew and Shawn but mostly Matt. We have done lots of flirting but I love it. We have become best friends. They have put a toll on my life and I think my depression is slowly going away
I know it's only been a few weeks but these people are awesome plus magcon is I'm a few days. These past weeks we have just been getting to know each other.

I woke up to whispering "just do it Carter. Smack him it's the official initiation." He was about an inch towards my face when I cought his hand. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." I say still with my eyes closed. "OH MY GOD HE IS A NINJA." Matt yelled. I giggled and sat up rubbing my eyes.

"what the he'll are you guys doing in our room." Everyone was silent. "don't just stand there answer the sleepy Ninja." Matt said I giggle and see that he is standing next to me as the other boys just scader away. I laugh when they all leave. Matt laughs to. We look at each other and I look at his lips I feel myself leaning in and I see him do the same. I suddenly realize what's gonna happen and I pull back and say "umm sorry I'm just gonna take a shower real fast." I trip over the bed and blush as he laughs. And I take a shower.

*time skip to after the shower and getting dressed.*

"Hey Cody the boys want to go to breakfast do you want to come." "Sure but hey Matt about a minute ago-" I was cut off by Matt kissing me I automatically kissed him back. I put my hands in his hair and he put his around my back. He licked my lips asking for entrance and I teased him by keeping my mouth shut. But he wasn't having it. He grabbed my a*s, I gasped and he took this to slide in his tounge we continued this until we needed air. "i've been waiting to do that ever since I first saw you." He pecked my lips. His arms still rapped around my waist "Cody Grier will you do me the honor and be my boyfriend." I nod and kiss him again and I let him slip in his tounge. "Hey gu- OH MY GID HELP MY VIRGIN EYES!" We break apart and see Hayes on the ground and covering her eyes. And the boys ran in "OH NO WE BROKE HAYES." I yelled.

"what did you do." Cameron asked kneeling by Hayes. "i uhh we Erm." "THEY WERE EATING EACH OTHERS FACES." Hayes yelled and we all started laughing. "yea so we are together now." Matt said smiling at me. I smile back. "Umm hey Cody can me and Hayes talk to you." Nash said. "Yea" I peck Mathews lips and walk after Nash after hearing Aaron and Carter yell "Zayum!"

I laughed and closed the door. "we wanted to say that we are sorry for not excepting you I actually wanted go say I'm dating Cameron." "I CAN HAVE MY BUBBY BACK!" Hayes yelled and hugged me I laugh as he spun me around. I hugged him and Nash. "I love you guys." Suddenly I hear Matt yell "Not more than me though!" From the other side of the door. I giggle and open the door and Matt falls to the floor landing on his stomach. He roles over on his back and looks up at me. "Well are you going to get up." I ask him "nah I'm enjoying the view." I blush and pull him up. "Well guys we missed breakfast so we have to head down to the meeting and greet." Taylor says "okay we will be down there in a second" I say taking Matt's hand. They all laugh and head down to the elevators "Matt after the meet and great would you wasn't to go on a date with me." "sure." He smiles and specks my lips before dragging me towards the elevators.

*time skip cause I love them*

We are at the meet and great and I am sitting beside the stage watching the boys good off but now it's time for questions "okay for the questions I'm gonna bring out a special guest and my brother CODY GRIER." The croud went wild. You might be wondering how they know me. I may or may not be famous on musical.ly and I am on some vines with my brothers....they don't fully hate me. Any way I didn't know this was gonna happen I didn't know what was happening until Matt came pecked my lips then dragged me onto the stage. "Hey guys" I say once u get on stage "okay I'm gonna pick you in the Taylor Caniff hoodie" "hi my name's Haile and I was wondering are any of you in a relationship." "um I'm actually gay and dating Cameron." Nash said and everyone was chanting cash, cash, cash I giggle and looked at Matt he nods and I say "me and Mart are dating." The crowd went even more wild I kissed Matt and we smiled at each other. "me and Jj are dating." Jack Gilinsky said. They changed there ship name jolinsky. Then the other couples were Aaron and Hayes, Shawn and Taylor, Carter and Jacob, which really surprised me but I was happy. "next you I'm the Nashty is the new nasty shirt." "Um hi yes are you the same Cody that's JUSTANOTHERCODY on musical.ly." I blush and look at the boys and say "yea I am so hey minie codies" the crowd almost broke my ear drums "what was that are you famous or something." Matt said "Matt I am famous on musical.ly" I kiss his nose and we continued the questions.

*after the questions*

"Hey Matty go get on swim shorts on for our date I'm taking you to the beach." Matt nodded and kissed my nose, I think it's our thing to kiss each other on the nose I think its cute. I got dressed I'm sw shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Once we got dressed and headed to the beach I have a suprise for him. "Hey matt come on I have a suprise for you." "Ooo goodie." He jumped up excitedly. I covered his eyes and lead him farther down the beach. Were I set up a candle light picnic well dinner.

I uncovered his eyes and he gasped "you did all this for me

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I uncovered his eyes and he gasped "you did all this for me." I nod. He kisses me passionately. And I grab his hand and sit him down.

We talk about the most randomest things so we know everything about each other now. Well I'm about to tell him about the depression. "Matt before we go swimming there's something you should know. I have depression Mathew." He looks shocked but let's me continue. "I cut well I used to. I used to think so low of myself. I was bullied and not loved.....but ever since I met you guys my depression has slowly going away and I have stopped cutting, I'm eating more and well you were my best friend now boyfriend and I am actually happy about myself. I think I may love you Mathew." I look up to see him with tears in his eyes I looked down and let a tear fall "I love you to Cody and don't listen to anyone else because you are perfect just the way you are and I love you for that okay." He says as I look up and nod. "Now since we have finished the meal let's go swimming." I laugh and grab his hand. We take off our shirts and head to the water.

We get in and slash around, having swim contests along the way. We just do that stuff for about an hour when Matt swims up to me. He puts his hands on my hips and I put my arms around his neck. "see you are beautifully perfect." He leans down and connects our lips. It's filled with love and passion. He starts deepening our kiss rubbing his hands up and down my waist. Before it could get more heated then intended I break the kiss and say "i love you Mathew Espinosa." "And I love you Cody Grier." "Come on let's get back it's already late." We get packed and head to the hotel by the time we get there it is 11:38pm I peck Mathews lips one more time before the elevater stops on our floor.

We walk in our room and see all the guys pacing around looking worried "umm what are you guys doing." Nash and Hayes run to me and hug me. "goodness we were only gone like 4 hours." Matt says " where were you guys." "are you guys okay." "did he hurt you." "WAIT WHAT AND WHO!" Mathew yells getting everyone to stay quiet I put my hand on his shoulder and say "we are fine guys. I took Matt to the beach. You guys should have known this I told you I was going to the beach. And it was the north beach. Also who would hurt me.?" "Oh thank god. We know you went to the beach we just forgot which side. And there was a shooting on the west beach." Shawn said hugging us. After we all got settled and calm we kicked them out of our room and took showers. We fell asleep on my bed all cuddled together.
I could get use to this.

A/n hey my fellow fangirls how are you this fine day. Anyway I'm sorry for all the time skips I just really want it to get interesting. I am gonna skip around in the next chapter and get drama going then it should be smooth sailing for the ship. Haha see what I did there...... I'm just gonna jump into tartarus. OH LOOK ITS NICO DI ANGELO! no okay never mind I'll just be over there yeah....

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