2.01 Whats Wrong

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A/N I could not think of a name because of all the drama that goes on in this chapter.

Cody's POV:

I shoot up from by bunk and look around. I feel something wet on my face and I wipe away what seams to be tears. I look around......now with a clear vision. The boys seem to be unloading the bus into a stadium place. "Finally your awake. We tried to wake you up like 3 times but you didn't wake up then we saw you had a fever so we agreed to try again after we finished unloading the bus." I look to see Shawn talking. I sigh and get out of my bunk slowly taking a seat in the back seat. He looks me over with worry. "Are you okay Cody?" He feels my for head then brings hand down to wipe away some of my tears. I nod with my head still in his hands, still a little sad from my dream. "Are you sure? You feel really warm?" He impresses, he was about to say something else when I grab his hands and push them away "I'm fine Shawn." He looks at me in shock "but your sweating and you-" I cut him offs with standing abruptively "I said I'm fine...please just..*sighs* where are we?" I ask rubbing my temple. Shawn looks at me unsure and with concern but he , hesitantly answers. "We are in Canada of course and we are at the Red Room Royal Theatre (made up cause I live in Texas not Canada) we have a meet and greet tomorrow." I nod and start to walk off the bus but he grabs my wrist. I look back at him annoyed "what?" He looks me up and down. "Are you sure your okay....because you are acting weird and just ......you look terrible." I sigh.

He's just trying to help. But he doesn't care. Yes he does.....fine tell him....go on your gonna see it burdens him. STOP! he is helping me!...

I look up at Shawn then down again. "I-i feel....a little sick..but Im fine I promise." I say looking up again to see him looking at me with.......empathy?......pity?... I don't know. "You can stay on the bus if you want. Or I can take you to a local clinic." Shawn says soothingly...sort of like a mother to her child......."I'm just gonna stay here."I stutter out and look down then back at Shawn. He sighs before saying "okay...be careful. Rest. I have some meds in my bag if you need them." I nod and he let's go of my wrist, smiling softly and heading off the bus. I sigh.

See it wasn't so bad he wanted to help me. Yeah but that's Shawn ......wait until the others hear. They will call you pathetic.....weak......

I sigh again. I've been sighing a lot lately...I head over to the bunks and climb into mine. Rest will get rid of the migraine......it won't get rid of me and I can give you a worse headache. shut up and let me sleep. Like I said pathetic. Stop it. Now. Weak. Please I need sleep..annoying, a burden..

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