Finale Pt.2

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!! WRITTEN BY   LarryLife21 !!

Cody walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Matthew with a sad smile on his face. Today was Carter's last day before he left for university.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't wake up early, I know the boys must've been hard-..." Cody started, but Matthew cut him off by attaching their lips together, in a kiss.

"It's fine, you deserve some extra sleep, I can handle taking care of them." The teen said and smiled. Cody grinned, nodding his head.

"Thank you, Nash for the breakfast, I've been craving bacon for awhile" Jack said and Nash chuckled.

"no problem, Jack!" Nash said and looked at Cameron, with a smile on his face, he grabbed the boys hand and squeezed it. Cameron smiled back, at the boy he grew to love. "I love you" Nash mouthed and Cameron pecked his lips, letting them linger.

"I love you too, Nash." Cameron said and Cody smiled at the couple. He felt as if everything was finally going right. After all this time, everything was okay.

"You guys, I have something to say..." Jacob said and everyone looked towards him as he stood up, holding on to Carter's hand, as everyone in the room, waited for what he had to say.

"What is it?" Matthew asked, curiosity and confusion, laced in his voice. Jacob took a deep breath and sighed.

"I'm pregnant..." The boy said and there was a silence before everyone gasped and smiled towards him, and congratulated him. "You're okay, with this right, Jack?" Jacob asked and Jack nodded, a few tears rolling down his face. Happy tears.

"I'm so happy for you, Jacob, congratulations!" Cody said and he side hugged Jack, who rested his head on Cody's shoulder, smiling.

"But, I'm also moving... to New York today, it's my last day. Now that I'm pregnant, Carter and I think we should move in together, while he's in University." The dark haired boy said and Cody, Jack and Shawn, got up and the three boys, hugged Jacob, and soon everyone had red eyes. They weren't ready to say goodbye.

"Jacob, we'll miss you so much!" Cameron said joining the group hug, that included, Shawn, Cody, Jack and Jacob.

"You guys, this isn't goodbye. I'll visit as much as I can, and I want to give birth here. Which is why, once I hit seven months, I'm coming back." Jacob smiled and held hands with Jack and Cody.

"We love you, both of you, don't ever forget that." Jack said and hugged the boy again, tears coming from his eyes.

"I love you guys, too." The boy said and he also had some tears in his eyes. "Forever and always..." he said and nodded his head.

Second scene.

Two days later, Jack laid in his hospital bed, while holding his baby girl, in his arms. He finally had his bundle of joy. He had decided to hide his pregnancy and only his close friends and family knew. He smiled down at his baby girl, before looking up and looking at JJ and the other boys.

"She's beautiful, Jack." Cameron said and smiled at Nash, who smirked back at him. "Have you thought of a name?" The boy asked and Jack nodded his head smiling.

"I think, we're going to go with, Eira." Jack said and JJ smiled at his boyfriend, holding their daughter. It was everything they wanted.

"When are you guys, going to tell fans?" Matthew asked and JJ sighed and looked at Jack.

"We're going to tell them soon, we may make a video as well, explaining why we kept it a secret and we'll put up a message to them as well." Jack explained and the other boys smiled towards the couple.

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