1.05 Happy Birthday My Dino

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Cody's POV:

Hey guys later in this chapter will be some naughty bits so if you don't want to read it you can skip it. I will put warnings. Btw this is my first smut so be warned.

**SKIP TO 1 months later to a special JULY 7TH**

I wake up before Mathew. Thank goodness I really want to make him have a special day. I mean me and the boys already have a party planed but I want to make it special just from me.

So of course I go straight to the kitchen. I make pancakes, bacon, eggs, and biscuits. He loves food so why not give him a lot on the greatest day of his life. Once it's all finished I head to the bead room. I see him in the same position that I left him in. He is just so adorable. "Matty wake up." I say before kissing his lips. "Happy Birthday Baby Boy." I greet him as he wakes up. "That was the best way to wake up ever." He says in his mourning voice. Oh my god I love it. "I made you breakfast." As soon as I said that he ran out of the room.

I walk into the room and laughed. "How do you like it so far." I say walking up behind him and wrapping my arm around his waist from behind. He moaned in response but DAYUM that was hot UGH NOT NOW. I let go off Matt and fixed my problem. And said "I'm going to go get washed up okay finish eating and then pick out a movie." I walk into my room and get out my phone

Nash-hey can you distract Matt while we all set up.

Me-hey what time do we need to be down there and sure I can.

Nash-around 7pm

Me-okay see you then bye


I walk out of the room to see Matt watching mean girls. "Really Matt." I laugh he just sassily says yes. I sit on his lap and we continue the movie.

***hey this is a warning btw so the parts start past here**

About half way through the movie I started to get a little uncomfortable so I moved around for a second. I saw Matt stiffing but I ignored it. I was still not conformable so I moved again "mhm C-Cody Stop moving or I'm gonna lose it." I smirk knowing what just happened. "Hey Matt I'm gonna pause this for a second okay." He nods. I pause the movie and turn to where I'm straddling him. I start to kiss him passionately. We let our tongues explore each others mouths. I started to grind down onto him. I can hear him moaning through the kiss. I smirk and move my hands up his shirt completely taking it off. We had to take apart our lips for a second but we went right back to kissing.

This time I didn't let him insert his tongue, teasing him slightly. He caught me by surprise when he squeezed my ass. I gasped and he took this to his advantage and slid his tongue in. He picks me and took me to my bedroom getting on top of me, abusing my lips.

Soon enough we are both stripped of our clothing we are about to proceed when Matt says "Are you sure you want to continue because I can stop if you want me to." I looked him in the eyes and said "Mathew I love you so much I would love to  do this with you.....please."  I let out a breathe as I started grinding our hips together. He let out a shaky breath and started kissing down my chest.

He got down in between my legs and I blushed. I covered my face with my hands to hide my blush. "Awe baby don't cover your blush it's adorable." I uncover my face and look down. He has his mouth on the tip of my member. He looks me dead in the eyes as he slowly puts his mouth on my member. I gape my mouth a little as a bit of pleasure shoots through me as he starts to deep throat me, bobbing he's head up and down. I can feel me twitch in his mouth as he starts to slow down. He takes my member out of his mouth with a pop, giving me a sheepish smile.

"Okay Baby I'm going to stretch you okay it may hurt at first but then you will love it" I nod as I feel something wet at my entrance 'mhm' I moan as one of his fingers inter me. He wiggled it around a minute before pushing it in and out. It didn't hurt, it was just a little uncomfortable. He must see the look on my face because as he slides his second finger in he attacks my mouth, and neck in kisses. He moves it faster and faster. I arch my back as pleasure shoots up my spine. Mathew takes this into his own hands as he starts to kiss my chest rocking me on and off his fingers by putting a hand on my lower back. "Mathew i-i-im close" I almost scream as I feel something at the pit of my stomach, but he stops, smirking. I think I'm stretched enough all I know is I need him and say "M-MATT plea-ase." I look at him in his eyes as he nods.

He moaned as he slowly enters me. I feel a burning sensation. I curl my toes and put my hands on Matt's back digging my nails into his back. "It's okay baby just tell me when you want me to move and I will okay ?" He says kissing me passionately massaging my tongue with his. Oh my god I'm in love with this boy.

"You can move Matt." He starts to thrust into me slowly. It's still hurts a little bit but once again bearable. And the pleasure it amazing. "F-Faster baby." "Anything for you baby boy." He starts to go as fast as he possibly can. The room is echoing with our moans. My goodness I'm in heaven. I feel a knot in my stomach. "Matt im-m gonn-na come." "Wait for me baby." I nod and hold it. Its blissful. It feels amazing. "Alright baby I'm about to come... Mphm" He moans as we both come. Sweaty and panting. We ride out our highs and we lay down next to each other. "That was the best present ever." "But I'm not done yet Matt." I see him looking confused until I lower my head into his now throbbing member. I put my mouth on his tip and I swirl my tongue. "Emphghm" Matt moans grabbing a handful of my hair. I start to bob my head slowly then speeding up. Matthew suddenly bucks his hips into my mouth but I don't pull away. I look up to him to see one hand gripping the sheet. And his eyes closed, head back. All hot sweaty and flustered. "Oh baby boy." Matt moans as I continue what I was doing. I go as fast as I can. I can feel him twitch in my mouth "BABY IM GONNA COME!" and just as he finishes he comes into my mouth. He tastes so sweet. I want more but any more pleasure that I could give him will tire him out. "That" He takes a moment to breath "was the greatest thing I have ever done." He finishes panting a little.

Okay guys I'm done with that part but the boys will still make perverted jokes of course.

I look over at the time and it is 6:30 crap. "Okay Matt go get in the shower you still have one surprise." He gets up and kisses me. I smile and shoe him off I stay laying down until he comes out. Holy LLAMA KING! He has the most gorgeous body I have ever seen of course I've just seen all of it. "Close your mouth you will catch flies." I didn't even realize my mouth was wide open, I laughed. He got dressed and said "okay your turn go shower." "Hey can you help me up." He nodded and helped me up but a soon as I got up a pain shot up my back and I hissed in pain. Matt just laughed and said "I guess I got you good huh." I scolded him "you wouldn't be laughing. Oh my god why where you so big!" I almost yelled. He laughed and helped me into the shower. I couldn't stand up very well.

After I showered I got a text from Nash to head down I replied with a okay and we went down to the party room,by this time I feel a little less sore so I made it, but before I opened the door I said "Mathew my love happy birthday and I love you." I kissed him passionately for a few minutes "i love you to." He pecked my lips. We walked in. The lights were out and as soon as I turned on the lights everyone jumped out yelling 'SURPRISE!'. He looked shocked. He looked between the boys and me. He had a smile the size if the Cheshire cat. "Oh my god thank you do much." "No problem love now GO PARTY!" I laughed.

*after the party*

After the party me and Matt went to the hotel room and snuggled. Not without Nash threatening Matt because Taylor found out about the sex. And may I say ZAYUM I have never been so embarrassed. But I don't care anymore. I just want to sleep so that's what I did I fell off into a peace full sleep. Not before exchanging I love you's.

Okay well that happened I wonder what will happen next who knows, cause I don't. I just do what I feel like. Anyway I gtg but I'll be back.

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