2.11 Almost There

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(8 month mark)

Cody's POV:


"Matt could we go to the store?" I ask him sweetly. Right now we are laying down and cuddling in the hotel room waiting for a magcon event. But someone *cough cough* the babies......and I......are hungry.

"Sure. What would you like to get? Oh and do you want the other boys to go." He asks sitting up. I sit up with him, rubbing my bump slightly. "Well food..... And yeah." I swing my feet to the side of the bed and Mathew runs to my side and grabs my hands. I smile up at him and stand with his help. "Thank you." I smile at him. He shrugs and kisses my cheek "no problem, love."

The next few minutes were spent calling the boys and getting dressed. I hear a knock at the hotel door and I wobble over to answer it. When I open the door I see Nash, Jacob, Hayes, Shawn and J.J. I smile at them and and look back to Matt. "Ready to go babe?" He nods, putting a hand around my back. He shut the door behind us and we all started walking to the car while making small talk.

"Okay so what are we shopping for?" Jacob asks. I look to him and shrug. "Food....good food.." They all laugh at me and Matthew starts to say supplies we needed to get for am event..... Well they need to get. I don't go to events anymore.... Matt says it would be to much stress on the babies and Nash just thinks that I shouldn't go to reduce hate.

I get get pulled out out of my thoughts when we arrive in the parking lot. "Okay Nash in front with me Cody you need to be in one of the first rows and the rest of you...I don't care where you sit. They cheer and I pout slightly.
" why can't I sit up front with you?" I ask sadly, holding him back from the group. "Because your 8 months pregnant baby....I'm not risking if we get into an accident." I sigh and nod slowly then get into the car, with Matt's help of course....you can't do anything for yourself....*sigh* wonderful....

We arrive at the store and all the boys go to the supplies.....well except j.j. ... He stuck with me. He smiles and I give a nod back heading to the icecream isle. "Cody? What are you getting?" He asks confused. I sigh and look at him.

"I'm looking for food....I'm hungry and I'm craving sweets....and pickles for some reason... maybe popcorn." I say, thinking to myself at the end. He looks at me weirded out and I glare at him "don't judge me. Come back to me when Jack starts having weird cravings." He blushes lightly before looking down.

I go back to look at the ice cream.... Hmm.... Butter crunch sounds really good.......yeah that's what imma get. I grab the container and continue walking, Jack following behind. "Where are the pickles?" I ask j.j. confused. He shrugs and points to the vegetable isle. "Well aren't pickles vegetables?" I shrug and start walking.

"Cody!? J.J!?" I hear someone call from behind me.....but I don't stop walking....I'm getting thos pickles. "Hey Cody slow down its the boys." J.J. says. I shake my head and keep walking......what's wrong with you now. FUCK OFF! I growl and head to the pickle section.

I hear the boys talking behind me but frankly I don't give a sh*t.... I finally find the pickles and smile. Finally. I look around for the dil.....but guess FUCKING WHAT!!! THERE ARE NO MORE!!!!

I sigh in frustration and rub my stomach, the babies kicking furiously. "I know right" I whisper lightly. I turn around and see the boys approaching with caution "baby are you okay?" Matt asks nicely.

You see I would be nice right now.........but all the fucking pickles are gone....wait....if that's what the babies want, will they not allow me to eat anything else? Will they starve because I'm a bad parent?

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