1.09 Really Matt

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Cody's POV:

"M-Matt....what's happening?" I sob out... I see the couple break apart. And it is indeed Mathew... My Mathew. He looks at me then back at the girl and motions her to leave.....well she leaves and he walks up to my shaking body.

"W-what.....w-why? Who was she? How long have you been cheating on me? You cheated on me? With a girl?" I continue to cry..He pulls me into a hug.

"shh calm down Cody just let me exlplain." He pulls back and looks me in the eyes. I look down and look back up with him with anger readable in my eyes "No....I will drive you back to the hotel and then we are done....no more us okay?!?!" I yell in his face. He goes to speak again but I raise a finger to tell him to be quiet. And he looks down. I am done......I made myself venerable.. so stupid....

We leave the store without buying the thing we came to get. I just need to get to the hotel before I break.

The whole drive home Mathew was trying to make small talk and try to get me to talk to him....to let him explain, I just ignored him. I felt that if I talked I would have broke. I just looked forward and drove.

Once we got to the hotel the boys where waiting for us to get our bags. I ran got my stuff, ran back and into the bus. No questions were asked on why I was acting weird. I am grateful for that.

I get on my assigned bunk and to my luck , sarcasm is being used, I was under Mathew. Wonderful. I sigh and put up my bags. "Cody can I please talk to you?" I turn around and see Matt.....eh might as well. We head to the other side of the bus away from people. "What?" I say biting my nail.

Mathew sighs. "Cody it's not what you are thinking." I laugh a broken laugh and say "Sure. Making out with someone is not doing anything wrong and I just saw something" I look at him and fittle with my fingers. He sighs. "It was just a fan asking for a kiss and before I knew it she was making out with me.......I would never do that. Right when you came I was trying to get her off of me....please I'm telling the truth." He looked close to tears as he was speaking.....

I look at him and sigh "Matt.....I believe you." He looked so hopefully until I continued "but, it doesn't mean we get back together......yet. Just give me some time okay?" He nods and we head back to our bunks.

~~a beautiful time skip

"Hey Matt you okay." I hear Carter ask him. From my bunk. It's night time and we all are SUPPOSED to be asleep....but you know some of us are rebels. "Yeah...I'm fine i-i....I just made a mistake...a big one." Matt replies.

"What did you do?"...I really wanna yell OH I KNOW.....But I'm supposed to be asleep.....damn sarcasm... "I kissed a fan. She asked me to and I rejected her....But she forced me to kiss her.... This was right as Cody was coming to get me....I think he took it the wrong way." He seems confused.....now I feel bad..But I need to start standing up for myself and stop taking pity.

"Did you guys break up?" I hear....Hmm I think it's Aaron...yeah it's Aaron. "He said that he was done and he needed time....so yeah I do believe we are broken up." Matt sighs, " I had it comming for me. I should have pushed her away sooner." "Awe come on Matt it Isn't your fault you just need to give him time and space and you guys will be fine." Cater announced.

"Yeah I hope so." Matt yawns and adds "well I'm gonna sleep so night guys." I hear a chorus of good nights and then silence. I sigh and role on my back, contemplating life. I'm scared for the future....I don't want to have to face my problems. Grr damn my procrastination..... Eh I'm tired...

----another time skip brought to you by the procrastination queen---

I wake up to yelling and screaming and I groan "SHUT UP WHAT IS GOING ON!!" I yell sitting up and getting out of my bunk heading towards the lounge area of the bus.

"CODY WE ARE ALMOST THERE EEKKK!!" Screamed the gir-..I mean Hayes "WHY ARE YOU YELLING!" I screamed back. He looked around and I noticed everyone was looking at us expectantly.... "Well we are almost to Canada...." I was confused "how long was I asleep?" He laughed "oh you know only a day and a half." My eyes went wide "IT FELT LIKE AN HOUR!!" They all laughed and I looked at Matt and he smiled....I hesitantly smiled back and he looked surprised. I look at mom-....Shawn and said "soooo since you are the 'Mom' if the group while I was away....we're my children good for you??" I ask while trying not to laugh. He laughed and my brothers groaned "hey some of us are older than you" Nash rebelled. "Mentally or physically?" I resort. Everyone went quite and laughed again. Hmm....I feel happy now.

"They were great. Other than camryn pranking Aaron and Aaron slapping Taylor then Taylor slapping Jack G. Ugh stressful children" Shawn said rubbing his temple as I laugh. "Well let's see hmm TAYLOR, CAMRYN, AARON AND JACK G TO THE FRONT!" I yelled using my mom voice.......in a manly way. *coughs* I'm manly *shows non existent muscles*. Anyway....everyone steps back but the 4 step forward. "Do you know what you did wrong?" I question trying not to smile. They all nod "good now never do it again unless me or Shawn say so. GOT IT!" They all nod again and sit back down and I smile. "There you go muffin man." Me and Shawn laugh and I sit down.....coincidently eating a muffin.

"So Shawn are we going to your town?" I say with my mouth filled with muffin. "Yup you will see where I grew up." He smiles and eats his third muffin. I finish mine and go to sit next to camryn who is sitting next to the jacks "so..." I try and break there awkward atmosphere "how'd life?" I smile as they laugh "that was soooo awkward" JJ said and Jack G agreed with him as camryn is just laughing and then they continue talking. I smile and go sit next to my brothers and Aaron as I see Taylor is sitting with Shawn.

"So hello are you guys all happy?" In which Nash replies "Yup. We are going to do a video collage once we get to the hotel. "Thats cool I hope you guys have fun." They reply with a 'we will' and I walked over and sat with Carter, Jacob and you'll never guess.......Matt.

"So how'd it going over here??" I smile. "Eh we are normal." Carter replies. I shrugs and look at Jacob who is half asleep. "Jacob you need some sleep man" he nods and gets up. "I'm gonna go with him." Carter smirks and follows Jacob to his bunk. Then last......But not least Matthew. I look at him and he smiled sadly.

" Well how are you Matt?.?" He smiled and answered "well I'm doing fine how about you?" I laugh and say "well I'm alive, breathing,and in able to walk and see so I am okay." He laughs and I smile. "Matt I have a question.." he stops laughing and has a serious expression. "Yeah sure anything."

I look at him and sigh "could we still be friends? I mean I don't want to go straight to dating...could we just. You know go back to friends....for now?" He looks down and back up and smiles "yeah.....I guess that's okay.... okay yeah....." I hold out my hand.



And with that we shook hands and continued the ride to Canada.


A/N hello my little Codies I'm sorry you had to wait this long and if there are errors. I have just been so busy lately. But don't worry I will try hard...Anyway vote and comment and if you have any ideas on what should happen next just comment or message me. Thank you so much and I will see you Minnie Codies later....


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