2.04 Jaw Drop

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Cody's POV

We run to the bathrooms giggling, and I notice JJ looking down. So once we get into the bathroom I let Shawn take the test first and before JJ does anything I grab his arm slightly "Are you okay?" I ask him concerned. He nods but I don't budge. "No JJ something's wrong." He sighs and Shawn comes out smiling but stops he sees JJ. "I have something to tell you guys..." We nod for him to continue. "It wouldn't matter if I take this test or not. I'm not getting pregnant....I'm not the bottom in the relationship." We look at him confused. "But your more feminine and shy." I say. He blushes slightly. "Not in the bedroom...and tell Jack...but he's a kitten." We giggle and smile. "Well you don't have to take the test...you can give it to gilinsky tho." Shawn winks, causing JJ to blush more.

We all laugh and start walking before I stop suddenly feeling wheezy and nauseous. I put my hand over my mouth and close my eyes. I run back to the bathrooms, hearing Shawn and JJ yelling for me. Suddenly I am emptying my stomach I to the toilet. I feel a hand on my back, as I continue to throw up, rubbing and massaging down. I wipe my mouth, groaning and look back. Matty. "Its okay baby let it out." He says sweetly as I continue to throw up.
After about 5 minute I'm drained of energy and puke and I fall back onto Matt, who just continues to rub my stomach. "Its okay." He says pulling me closer into his chest.

A few more minutes pass and I feel myself being lifted off the ground. I open my eyes and look around in alarm. "Calm down baby. I'm gonna take you to the bus so you can rest alright....you look so sick baby." He says softly, kissing my forehead. He picks me up bridle style and I cuddle into his chest. Throwing up sucks... Just wait...only a few more months of puking... I inwardly cringe remembering this won't be the last time. He carries me out of the bathroom and I see e other boys outside looking worried. "He's okay. He just needs sleep " Matt says reassuringly. The boys nod and go back to work but Nash stays behind. "Do you need any help." He asks. Matt hesitates for a minute before saying "Could you find medication that is safe for him to take? And get a heating pad?" Nash nods f before leaving to find the objects.

After I am situated in the bus I start to feel nauseous again so I bolt up but am stopped by Mathew. "Calm down Theresa bucket right here shhh..." He says handing me a bucket and rubbing my back. I throw up until eventually I'm just dry heaving and crying. I fall back onto the mattress and curl up into a ball as Mathew goes and does something with the bucket of puke. I lay there for a few minutes when I feel the bed sink in. I feel arms wrap around my waist and rubs my stomach. I uncurl from my ball and turn around cuddling into the person....Mathews chest. "Its okay my love." He says wiping stray tears. I smiles slightly and yawn. He laughs and kisses my nose. "Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." I nod and close my eyes, cuddling into him more. "I love you." I whisper sleepily. "I love you to Cody." At these words I fall into a deep and peaceful slumber.

Matt's POV

Poor baby... He threw up for half an hour straight.... I push the hair out of his face and get up, covering him with the blanket fully. I kiss his forehead and walk out side the bus and start to help load up, the faster we load then faster we can get to a new destination and stay there. A few minutes pass of me helping out, Nash runs up to me with a bottle and a heating pad. "This is the medication. He can take 2 every 6 hours. And here is the heating pad." He says handing me the supplies. I grab it and smile "Thanks I'll give the meds to him when he wakes up, and I'll set up the heating pad in a minute." He nods before carding on his business. I run back to the bus and set the meds in my back pack and setting the hearing pad down. I spare Cody a glance before heading back out to work.

After a few hours we finish packing and are ready to to back on the road. Everyone is tired so they are quiet getting on the buss and into their bunks. I head to Cody's bunk and see him still fast asleep. I kiss his forehead about to climb in but freeze. He has a fever. I inwardly start panicking. I grab the medication and heating pad and go back to Cody. "Baby.." I shake him softly, but with enough force to wake him up. "I need you to wake up. Your running a fever." He let's out a groan before rolling over and facing me, rubbing his eyes. "M-Matt.?" So adorable.....WAIT NO BACK TO HELPING!! I smile at him and hold up the heating pad. He goes wide eyed and grabs it, frowning feeling its cold. I laugh and plug it in and he puts it under his shirt. He hums happily. "Does that feel good?" He nods smiling but suddenly goes pale. "I don't feel good." He says gripping his stomach. I grab the medication and give him two and a glass of water. He take them and sighs, laying back. I climb back into the bed and wrap my arms around him...

I hope this doesn't last forever...


A/n HELLO!!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter..I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while... I'm going through a writers block phase...but I'm gonna try to try harder....I promise. But if you enjoyed VOTE and if you have any suggestions pm me or comment <3

Song: Starving - by Hailee Steinfield


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