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Guys, the time has come! Get your tissues ready! It's finally happening. The last chapter ever of "He's Our Brother" is coming soon and we hope that you guys aren't disappointed. We really worked hard and we love and thank you for sticking by us for so long. It's been a time and a half. We love you.

As my friend (Bella) and I get ready to say goodbye to "He's Our Brother" we want to thank you for reading, laughing, and maybe even shedding a tear. Bella and I have worked together throughout this story and we've made a friendship that will last a long time. Wether you came across the story a few months ago or you've been there from the beginning, we say thank you. Looking back at the characters in the beginning and looking at how much they've evolved is truly amazing. These characters have had such a big impact on our writing career's and I know Bella as well as myself can't wait to tell and show you what we have planned for the future. As I plan to write the last chapter of "He's Our Brother" titled "Finale Pt. 2" it is with gratitude, sadness, and proudness. As we close every plot, every Character, every plot hole, and every storyline we thank you guys for allowing us to do that. We will forever be grateful to you fans. For a year and a half we've been on this journey together, We've said "Hello", we've said "I love you", we've said "Come be apart of our family", and now as we enter the last and final chapter there's just two things left to say.. "Thank You, And Goodbye". -larrylife21/Amir★ & Bella♡

!! Written by @LarryLife21 himself !!

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