1.08 Why

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Cody's POV

I wake up to see Matt not in bed. I groan and role my way onto the floor and groan somemore. "Maaaaaatttttttt" I yell. I wait a few minutes. No one answers. I groan again and get up out of my burrito of blankets. I sigh and walk to the bathroom.

I look at the bathroom mirror only to see a note.

Dear Cody my love,

It's me Matt if you didn't already know.I giggled at this. In this note I would like to inform you that we have a magcon event today. Don't worry though because we headed out early and we didn't want to wake you. YOU LOOKED SO CUTE! I giggled again. Anyway this is our last event before we head out to San Antonio. So you can pack now and come later or do the opposite it a your choice. But just know I love you and I can't wait to see your face later.

Love your dinosaur,
Mathew Lee Espinosa

I smile at his cuteness and go to get ready to leave. Yes, I chose to go to him before packing. I put on some black skinny jeans, with a red shirt, red converse and a red beanie. I looked cute. I grab my phone and room key and head to Starbucks...


I like coffee don't judge.

I laugh and get my coffee and Sprint to the event stadium. As I walk in I see a jiant stage and thousands of seats. It's breath taking. This can litterally fit half of the city, if not all.

As I was staring at the empty, but soon to be filled seats, I felt arms rap around my waist from behind. "Mhhh hi." The voice sighed than said. I giggle and turn around and look him in the eyes to see non other than Mathew. "Good morning my love." He said hugging me.

I happily sighed and say " it was wonderful. Do you see all this." I say pointing to the rows of seats. He nods and takes my hand leading Mr to the spot light. "You know." He pauses and spins me around as I giggle. "It's a sold out show. Meaning all of these seats should be filled." I gape at him in awe "no way THIS IS SO COOL!" I squeal. He smiles and nods.

He specks my lips lightly before taking me back stage, and we soon find the boys. " Awe look it's sleeping beauty" Hayes sarcastically awes "you were adorable." he pinches my cheeks lightly. I slap his hands away and pout. "in not cute....I'm ferocious." I rawr at them and they all laugh.

~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~

I'm so nervous right now. The stadium is packed, and the shows about to start. I look up to see Matt smiling at me, smiling. "What" I say. "your so cute." I giggle and get on stand by.







"WELCOME SOUTH BEACH." I yell into the Mic and the crowd goes crazy. "we wanted to welcome and congratulate you for comming and being our biggest audience we have ever had.

"Wow, wow, wow...this is awesome!" Taylor yelled. We all laughed. Then we actually started doing stuff.

It was fine and dandy till a rimix of lip gloss and my andaconda came on. Everyone ood'd and we started to dance to the lip gloss. We started to laugh again as the andaconda section came on. We all started to do random things. I looked at Matt and smirked. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and brought him to an opening on stage. All the boys looked at me.

I turn around, my back facing Matt. The andaconda part came on one more time....



Twerked on him.

Everyone started screaming and yelling, but the boys were hooting and hollering. It basically turned into a twerk session. The girls were going crazy. Matt was just smiling. Ugh perve....jk jk, he reached down and grabbed my hips starting to grind slightly...nobody noticed what Mathew was doing. I laughed and turned around to kiss him as the song went to a stop. We pulled back and smiled at each other.

"Well hello there." I say giggling again. "hello my love." He smiled. I just processed what I did and blushed, hiding my head in his chest. He chucked and we walked over to the guys who were staring at us. "Mhmmm what was that." Nash said tapping his foot. "ohhh big brothers getting onto you." Carter laughed. "i blushed and shrugged my shoulders. Nash laughed and turned to the audience to continue the meet up.

~~~ time skip to the meeting and great~~~~

We finish the meet up and we go to out meeting and great table. I was next to Matt of corse. The meet and great went by pretty quick and we headed back to the hotel.

"Hey Matt are we taking the same bus or are we flying to our next meet up?" I ask Matt as we both pack our bags. "Erm I think we're taking a private jet." I squealed. "That is so cool." He nods.

"Oh man Matt I need to go to the store you want to come with." I look at Mathew as we finish in packing. "Um sure. Let me get my wallet." I nod and wait for him. " let's go" he smiled holding my hand. I smile back and head out the door.

As we enter the Wal-Mart I head to the soap section as Matt heads to the snack isle. I'm looking for a type of brand.....hmm...I don't see it. "Hey sexy." It sounds like Matt. I turn around and see....a ... Stranger? "umm I'm sorry were you talking to me?" He looks me up and down, smirks, and nods his head. "yeah why don't we go to my house and have some fun eh." He said grabbing my arm. "in sorry I don't know you. And I have a boyfriend. Can you please let me go?" I ask. But he keeps dragging me out of the isle. "STOP MATT HELP!" I scream but he covers my mouth. I start to cry. I'm gonna be taken. Oh my god I'm gonna die.

I suddenly relies something I smirk and bite his hand. He screams "SON OF A B*TCH" he lets me go after punching me saying "your not worth this sh*t." He punches me again and a fall to the floor. Yeah I may have a black eye. That's not what hurt though. He said i wasn't worth it. But eh I'm okay. I need to find Mathew.

I walk towards the sweets isles but he's not in them. I go over to the cake section and look around, but all I saw was a couple making out-.....wait......

I freeze. My entire world just shattered. I whisper/ sob out one word.


A/n hey guys sorry its been forever since I actually updated I hope this makes up for it. Sorry for the cliff hanger. I hope you injoyed it. And if you guys have any thoughts on what will happen next just comment below. See you Minnie codies later.

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