2.03 Surprise Pt 2

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Colby's POV:

"How are you pregnant exactly?" Hayes asks from the sofa. Let's pause the scene and I will explain. Well me and Matt have to tell the boys it would be his baby because.... Well he's the only one I've ever had sex with....and Hayes is just being oblivious. We are in the hotel room me and Matt are standing while everyone else is sitting either on the sofa or the bed.

Okay we can press play. "Well Hayes when to people love each other very mu-" I'm cut off my Hayes covering his ears and screaming. Everyone laughs at his childless. "I know that you dumb nut i want to know how you...a guy...is pregnant." He says after uncovering his ears. Everyone else mods in agreement. "Well I called the nurse back and apparently pregnant men isn't exactly rare. Um about 1 in 5 men have the right jeans to get pregnant. I happen to be that 1 person." I explain.

"Wait so your saying that maybe one of us could possibly get pregnant to?" J.J. says paling. I nod. He looks to Jack G. and Jack G. smiles at him......wait what am I missing.... "Yeah so the nurse offers to give some tests to us. All we have to do is take a pint of blood and we can figure out if you have those jeans." I add and everyone else nods. "Okay let's cut to the chase. Who's the father? Because we all know you broke up with Matt." Nash asks from beside Cam.

I looked to Matt and to our hands, which I just intertwined. I look back to to guys and see them all with wide eyes. "Y-Yeah its Matt." I say. I look to Nash who looks angry. "When did that happen?" He says sighing. Taylor snorts "Before Matt's surprise party remember." Nash gets an 'oh' face and glares at Mathew, standing up. I go to stand in front of him but I'm shoved away and Nash punches Matt. "WHAT THE HELL NASH!" I yell.

Cameron grabs Nash and pulls him back, while I grab Matt. I look at his lip that looks to be busted. Matt looks to Nash in surprise. Cameron calms Nash down but still holds his arm. "YOU GOT MY BROTHER PREGNANT!?!? What did you expect!?!" Nash yells at Matt. I look at Nash with a sigh "it was my fault. Okay just stop." I say still holding Matt. "I swear to god Mathew you do anything to hurt my baby brother there will be consequences." Nash says and Hayes agrees with him.

"I would never make that mistake again." Mathew says to me. I smile at him and look back to the guys. They all seem to be a little happy and relieved. "Well I guess congratulations Cody and Matt." Nash says hugging me. I smile hugging him back. "Congrats bubby!" Hayes says hugging me as well. I laugh and hug him to. This goes on for a while. Exchanging congratulations and talking about what is to come.....I just can't wait..

*time skip to 3 days later*

OKAY WE HAVE A PROBLEM!! The boys are driving me crazy! Uggghhh..... We went even a week into this yet guys. Today we have to pack up the bus so we can go to a different stadium. They won't even let me carry my drums...

"Cody your pregnant it could hurt then babies." Nash says putting a box down. I role my eyes and argue back "Nash I'm 3 months pregnant not 9! Plus we just found out like 4 days ago!" I groan as he just shrugs and walks away. I follow him. "You know his is actually very unhealthy! I'm supposed to exorcise." I say to him. "Mhm and where did you hear that?" He smirks grabbing another box. "I-uh....a book.." I say unsure. He sighs and turns to me. "I'm trying to save you from doing any damage to you or your babies....please just....you can carry small things..like papers...but that's it got it!?!" He says sternly.

I nod and sigh "yes sir" he walks off, probably to put up the box and I walk to find Matt. "Hey Matty." I say walking to him. He sets down the box he was holding and looks to me smiling. "Hey babe. How are you?" He kisses lips lightly and I laugh. "Well Nash is being g overprotective again." I say picking up a box. Matt looks at me in a panic and takes the box from me. I groan "not you to." He laughs and places the box down. "You need to be careful okay. Your holding our little ones okay???" That means you need to be like 10x more careful." I sigh and hug his waist.

"I'm not useless." I mumble into his shoulder. "Your right your pregnant." Taylor yells at me from behind the boxes. Mathew laughs lightly and I sigh. "CODY!" I hear someone call me. I shoot my head up and look around and I see Hayes running to me. Once he reaches us he hands me a box....a little one. "What's this?" I ask him. "The doctor dropped it off. It's those tests for us to take." He replied. I go wide eyed and look to matt. "I'll be right back." I say before running to Shawn and J.J. "SHAWN! J.J.! ERE HERE!!" they look to me confused. "The tests!?!? You know the ones to see if you can get pregnant?!!" I say. They they look to each other and squeal. "WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!! LETS GO!!" Shawn yells, taking mine and j.j.'s hand and running towards the bus.


A\N that's right I ended it there......ANYWAY I HOPE YOU ENJOYED WHAT YOU GOT!! Comment vote and message me if you have a request!!

Song - Sippy Cup - Nightcore version


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