1.10 The Dream

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Cody's POV:

"HOME!!! I can smell it from here! Pancakes! HMMMM!" Shawn yells from the window his head is currently out of. "Shawn get your head in the window your gonna get hurt!" I yell from behind him. Let's pause this scene for a second shall we.......everything is in complete and utter Kaos.

Shawn.....oh baby Shawn.....has his head and arms....basically his entire upper body out of the window ,as I am behind him yelling for him to sit down, Jacob and Carter are making out in the back bunks....they are making bad noises....., Hayes is curled up into Aaron asleep as Aaron watches YouTube videos......well they are the peaceful ones I guess.....

Cameron and Nash are in the 3rd row seats screaming lyrics to a Britney Spears song, Taylor is screaming with me to get Shawn back into the bus, Jack G and J.J. are having a chicken contest....dirty version.........just ugh no not here please FML.......oh and Matty.........I mean *cough cough* Mathew............yeah....is resting cutely-.............peacefully in his bunk.

Okay let's press play on the situation.......... "Shawn get in the Bus this instance or no cuddles for a week!" Taylor yells and Shawn pouts and crawls back into the bus and back onto Taylors lap....oh is is my que to leave..OH....yeah yup there making out....nope nope nope nopety nope beh. "OOPS I DID IT AGAIN! I PLAYED WITH YOUR HEART GOT LOST IN THE GAME!" Nash and Cameron scream with the lyrics "guys quiet down please Hayes is asleep, and I'm getting a migraine."

I rub my temple lightly as Nash quiets down and basically cuddles Cameron making him go quiet to but him just hum quietly. I look to see J.J. and Jack G. Smiling at each other and talking quietly....I sigh...at least they are quiet. Now everyone is quiet or asleep....now I can sleep...I hope this migraine goes away.

I climb into my bunk and get under the covers, then sigh in content as my body falls into a dream state.


I giggle as he wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck softly. " Stop...I'm trying to do my homework." I say pushing away his head and focusing back on the paper in front of me. We are in my bedroom, paper is scattered around us. We are laying on my bed, on our stomachs, as I work on my homework........that looks like Algebra and English combined. "You have been working for to long........I want some attention.......I need attention." He says which a whining tone, kissing my me more on the neck, sucking slightly. He makes about three hickeys before he pulls away from my neck. I whine, set my pencil down, then look at him "Can you wait until after my work is done? Please babe?" I ask and peck his lips sweetly for emphasis.

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