1.02 Meeting the guys

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Cody's POV

Once we lad we head to play form b to meet up with the guys. Nash and Hayes were practically skipping there as for me I was listening to treat you better by Shawn Mendes following behind. My music is so loud my brothers could hear it, so to annoy them I didn't do anything, but that was only because if I went lower I could hear them talking. We arrive to the boys I think all I know is that we stoped and I was on my phone still listening to the song. I was to busy on my phone to realize who was there and that they were all looking at me. The song was about to end when Nash poked my shoulder. I look up and see them all staring at me. I awkwardly shut off my phone and took out my ear buds. I look around and only recognized 2 people Shawn and Cameron only because he comes over a lot but the rest I don't know.

"Hello" I say even more awkwardly suddenly Cameron comes up to me he puts his arms out and I flinch thinking he was gonna hit me. What can I say I am bullied. Cameron looks confused but hugs me anyway. Yes he excepts me and he doesn't care. After he finishes hugging me he says "guys this is like my best friend Cody. Cody meet the guys, Carter, Taylor, Aaron, Jack G, Jack J and Shawn but apparently you already knew that based on the music you were just listening to." "Yeaa hey-" I was cut off by someone saying "who's the new guy" I turn around and see Mathew Espinosa. "Y-y-your Mathew Espinosa." I stutter with wide eyes pointing at him. "It's not nice to point Cody." Cam says comming up laughing. "Mathew this is Cody. Cody this is Mathew but I guess you know him to." He laughed. "Well hello Cody. Well know that we all know each other and are all friends LETS GO GE-" this time he was cut off by Nash "You guys are not going to be friends with my brother I mean who would want to." The boys look confused but cam says "Nash no one would give a crap stop treating you brother like he is a monster." "What's he talking about" Carter says "Awe yes I am gay so that makes me a monster. A freak of nature. A dishonored Grier. Well guess what I don't give a crap if you do not like the fact that I like dick instead of vagina. Ew great now I have girls on my mind. Ugh I'm scarred." I say putting my hand on my head. I look up and see everyone on shock. Except Cameron, he yells"YES THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT see I told you find confidence." He smiles, laughs and high fives me. "Well does anybody have a problem with Cody here." Only my brothers raise there hands "I thought that was amazing." Taylor laughs and fist bumps me.

I laugh, pause and yell "I SMELL PIZZA." I take off running I can hear then laughing at me and telling me to stop and wait up but no my weekness is pizza. By now I have lost them so I just order a pizza and sit down. Right when I take my first bite the boys walk in and see me. I shrug as they laughed even Hayes and Nash. "I wanted pizza to you know." Matt says "okay." I shrugged. They all say down and started eating but I only ate one peace because I see them as all fit so u might as well not gain anymore, but shame, I wanted pizza. "How did you run so fast." Shawn and JJ say. They look at each other and shrugged "I Erm take track." I lied I just run from bullies. "Your lying aren't you." Mathew whispers in my ear as the rest of the boys talk.

I look at him I'm the eyes and nod. I see him look at my lips and cough as he looks away. "So do you have any hobbies or gifts." Aaron asks "um yea but I'd rather not say, cause to me I suck." I say looking down "that's probably not true." Jack G says the rest of the boys nod. "Well Hayes and Nash don't know this but I draw, act, dance, sing and rap I recently learned that, and play video games. That's about it." "Cool you should sing for us sometimes." Shawn says. I nod we walk towards the hotel and see a guy in the Loby "okay so you guys have the 4th floor all to your selfs here are your placements.

Nash and Cam,

Matt, and Cody

Taylor and Shawn,

Jack J and Jack G,

Hayes, Carter and Aaron

You guys can go now." We say thanks and head to our rooms.

"HEY GUYS COME TO MY AND CAMS ROOM TO PLAY TRUTH OR DARE." Nash yelled. We all nod unpack and head to bashes room.

"Jack J truth or dare." Nash starts "dare" "I dare you to go to the reception desk and ask for a condom." He nods and is back within 7 minutes. He comes back with a shocked look on his face stearring at the condom. He throughs it at Nash and says "Cody truth or dare." "Truth." "Who was your first kiss." I blush and say "I actually haven't had my first kiss. "Seriously." "Yea." They laugh and Jk says "fine I dare you to kiss the cutest guys here." "Hey I did my truth." I pouted. "No no cause you couldn't tell us your first kiss." "Fine." I get up and kiss Matt's cheek.

"Ugh fine I will count that." "My turn Nashty truth or dare." I say Nash giggles I have no idea what's up with him. "Dare" he says ooh do I have a good one. "I dare you to tell us if you were gay witch on of them would you date " he blushes and wispers in my ear "cammy" I GASP "awwwee you would be cute together."

Nash suddenly says "Matt truth or dare" "truth" "are you gay." He pauses "I'm actually bi." There were suddenly ohh's going around the room "#COTT" Shawn yells we all look at him like he's crazy "what you guys would be great together." "Shawn truth or dare"
"Dare." "I dare you to try a back FLIP." He trys and lands it. We all cheer.

The game continued like that for about 10 more minutes let's just say. Hayes has pink hair. Taylor has black nails. Cameron had to kiss Nash. Jack G, had to run down the hall yelling different words. Carter drank mustard. Shawns shirt is off. And now it's my turn but little did I know this was the last time I played. "Cody truth or dare." Matt said "truth." "Why do you always were long sleeves." I was shocked And everyone was looking at me I gulped and said "dare." "i dare you to answer the question." Now everybody was curious. "Ermm look at the time I have to go." I got up and headed towards the door "Cody wai-" I cut Matt off by running our room and going to sleep.

A/n hey I hope you liked this chapter. Did you notice that people are getting curious and Matt and Cody have a chance. What do you think will happen.

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