2.09 Angry Matt

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(A/n are you ready for a twist...)

Matt's POV

I noticed something strange going on ever since Nash and Cody came back from getting their food. Nash keeps looking to Cody worried every 5 minutes and Cody is sticking his feet in the water talking to Shawn, J.J., Cameron, Hayes, And Jacob. *sigh* all the power bottoms.

Anyway so I need to figure out what is going on.....Cody won't tell me....but maybe Nash will. I swim over to Nash. "Hey Matt!" Nash greets me. I smile slightly at him then glance to Cody. "Follow me." I get out of the pool and see Nash giving me a confused glance.
"Just come on" I motion for him to follow. Once he gets his shirt on we walk to the living room. "What's wrong with Cody?....I know you know something." He looks at me and shakes his head. "Its not my place to say that matt." He says hesitantly.

I grab his collar. "Cody won't tell me what's wrong....how am I supposed to help him. You said you wanted to help him Nash...." He looks down and shakes his head again "no....its not my place." I glare at him.

Can't he see I'm trying to help Cody!!! Why isn't he doing anything!! "Don't make me do this Nash.." I say calmly. He looks at me confused. "You get one more chance....what's wrong with Cody." I say.

And once more he shakes his head....that's when I throw the first punch, right to the jaw. Nash stumbles back, but gets back up. I punch him once more in the stomach. Then again in the face, busting his lip.

"You have 5 f*cking seconds to tell me what's wrong with Cody OR my sons OR I SWEAR TO GOD GRIER!!" I yell in his face. He whines and let's out a shaky breath hanging his head. I back up slightly. "H-he's doing it again" he croaks out. I look at him confused "what?"

"He's cutting again matt." Nash says sadly. I got on a serious face.....why would my baby boy do that... "Why?" I ask quietly. "Hate....twitter...people calling him fat...a slut and a whore..." I clench my jaw...f*uck those people. They don't know him...he's not any of those things.

"I'm so sorry Nash..." I sigh. He looks at me and waved slightly "its no problem...I would do the same if it was Cammy. Its all forgiven......you really care about him huh?" He says softly. I nod smiling "I love him more than anything." He smiles and head to the kitchen to get an ice pack.


I let out sigh.... Why didn't Cody come and talk to me.. I head back outside and walk over to Cody, tapping his shoulder. He looks at me and shoots me a bright smile but his smile drops when he sees my frowning face. He excuses himself and I help him stand.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I look to the boys who look like they are eavesdropping. So I grab his hand and say "I know about the problem you are having right now." He goes pale. "Matt I'm fine. I swear, whatever Nash said was a lie." I sigh a little hurt that he is lying. I grab the bottom of his sleeve and push it to his elbow.

I gasp at how many new and older cuts there are. "Oh baby boy." I whisper out. I feel tears clouding my vision. "I don't understand." I choke out. I look to Cody to see him crying. "Why didn't you talk to me?" I ask. "I-I didn't want to b-bother you." He cries. I pull him into a hug and be cries into my shoulder.

I take a shaky breath before asking "How long has this been happening?" He tenses "A few weeks." My head falls into his neck. "I'm sorry Cody." He pulls away confused. "Its not your fault. It's mine. I should be sorry." I shake my head and grab his arm, taking us to his bedroom.

I sit him on the bed and make him lay back. "What are you doing?" He asks confused. I go to lift his shirt but he grabs my hand to stop me. "It's okay." I coo at him and he hesitantly let's me continue. I lift the shirt so all you can see is his belly.

He squirms around uncomfortable with me looking at his beautiful bump. "Cody look at me." He continues his gaze to the ceiling.

"Cody look at me." I say more sternly. He sighs and meets my eyes with his. "You are beautiful. No matter what anyone says. You are not fat. You are pregnant. With two beautiful baby boys. You are not a slut or a whore. You have only ever had sex once. And that was with me. You are everything to me and I love everything about you." Cody looks to me, tears in his eyes.

"I love you to." He sobs out, pulling me so my lips meet his. I move my hands to his hips, gripping them firmly. He brings me closer and kisses me more passionate. I pull back after a few minutes and peck his lips softly.

"Will you try to stop? If not for me, for the boys?" I ask rubbing circles on his stomach. He looks hesitant but soon nods his head. "I will try....Will you be there with me?" I smile. "I will always be there." He smiles and brings me in for another kiss, this one lasting much longer.

"I love you."

"I love you to."

And with that we go back to join the party.


A/N HI GUYS! How did you like the chapter? I'm sorry it was a little short, it's less than 1000 words but more than 900. I was almost there. But anyway I hope you enjoyed and I will write you later! BEH!

Song: Idea of her by Whitney Woerz


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