2.14 Finale Pt.1

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(so sorry about the re-publishing. I forgot about the chapter before this one. But we decided not to make it. Sooooooooo soon a new chapter will come out soon. PT 2)

Cody's POV:

Ugghhh no one told me there was going to be this much screaming... The first few days were fine but 4 month later... And you want to die.

I remove myself from the computer screen and make my way to the twins' cradle.

"Please stay quiet. Your daddy is trying to sleep." I tickle their stomachs lightly. The two simply scream louder. I wince as I hear multiple groans from around me. "Sorry!" I called, I quickly grab two pacifiers sticking them into the mouths of the screaming children.

"Everything okay?" A voice calls from behind me. I quickly turn around to see a sleepy Mathew. I sigh and step forward to give him a hug."they are just tired." Matt laughs "I think everyone is." I burry my face into the knape of his neck. "I should go apologise." I groan.

I release Mathew and make my way to the dinning room, which is were anyone awake will be...

.... Turns out everyone is awake. "Heyyy guuyyss." They glance to me then go back to their food. "Hi Cody!" "Good morning!" My two best friends chirp. "Sorry for waking you guys up."

"It's fine, bubba. Why don't you sit down we have breakfast ready." Nash motions to a seat. I shake my head even though I probably need to eat. "No I'm fine thank you. I need to go get the twins up and motivated." Before anyone else gets up I bolt upstairs.

"Matty they have breakfast done. You should go down and eat." He looks confused. "No... Baby you need to eat. Your always so busy with the twins. You need to take a break." I role my eyes.

"I'm fine. Go. I'll get them up and I will join you in a minute." He goes to refuse once more but I sho him out of the room.

I shut the door with a sigh and walk over to the two identical cribs. "Hello babies." I coo as they both grab onto one of my fingers. I take Liam and set him comfortably on my hip, and delicately placing Brendan on the other.

Walking down the stairs I be sure to be extra careful not to slip and fall, I almost have a heart attack when a figure rushes towards me.

"Let me help you." I jump slightly. "Jeez Aaron. Give a guy a heart attack why don't you." He gives me a bashful smile before taking a giggling Brendan from me.

We both walk into The giant dining room, setting both of the babes in their designated high chairs.

"Hey Cody how is the room placement working for you?" J.J. asks sweetly. Cody groans, laying his head on the table.

If you are confused let me fill you in. We now own a house. It is the magcon headquarters. All of the boys live here and everyone has their own room. It is quite big, as in mansion sized. But all of the bedrooms are on 1 floor and Cody's and Mathews room happen to be 2 rooms down from the twins'.

Meaning in the middle of the night they have to be extra careful not to wake up the others. Cody was up all night last night working on a project and taking care of the twins. Be had no time to go back and forth.

"It sucks." I says bluntly. Laughs erupt from around the table. "Could we switch rooms Nash? Just so I'm closer to the twins?"

"Sure why not. We can start on it later." Nash nods along with Cameron.

Silence filled the room, just the sound of utensils clanking with the plates.

However a few minutes in Carter breaks the silence. "Jacob and I need to tell you guys something."

I laugh slightly. "Are there gonna be more people joining the family?" The thought kinda scared me.

The Jack's have a baby on the way,Jack not to far from his due date. Aaron is starting to really show, soon his baby girl or boy on the way. What if it's to much to handle?

"What? No." Jacob dismissed making me sigh with relief. I murmured a small 'thank God's before giving them my attention.

"I'm going to college." Carter hesitates. Confusion rushes through me.

"And?" Shawn pushes.

"It's in New York." The silence rushes back at us. Everyone soaking in this information.

"Why? Where will you live?" Cameron gushes. Carter gives a small smile, his hand locked with Jacobs.

"It's the only college that would take my scholarship. My uncle owns a studio apartment there and he's willing to let me use it for a bit."

"How long will you be there?" J.J. asks softly. Carter sighs. "4 years. With breaks of course." With all of this the only thing going through my mind is.

"What about Jacob?" A few others say quick 'yeah's wanting to know as well.

Jacob let's out a sigh. "Guys I'm fine.. I will still get to see him in the summers and on holidays, plus the occasional visit during the month... We can make it work." He has a smile on his face but we all know he feels devistated about this.

"Plus I can call you guys everyday to update you all. You can tell me about all of the pregnancy stuff and I can come down before due dates." Carter reassures. "Besides it will be a few months before I leave. I will be with you guys until then."

Everyone sort of goes back to the silence, assessing the situation and letting it sink in.

I finish up feeding the twins and cleaning them up and I decide to break through the awkward silence. "I'm going to go upstairs." Before I can go, Mathew stops me. "Babe!"

I hesitantly turn around. "Yes?" He gives me a look. "sit down and eat, I can take the twins." Before I can stop him, he snatches them out of my hands and starts walking upstairs.

Before I can start walking up as well I hear a cough. I turn towards the table and see Nash giving me the same 'sit your ass down and eat' look that Matt gave me.

I slouch and make my way back to my seat and start picking at the food in front of me.

"You have to eat bub." Nash commands. "I'm not hungry." I grumble and continue playing around.

"I don't see how you can't eat... I can't stop." Jack says confused causing laughs to erupt from the table, me even cracking a smile. "We are serious tho. Just because you have 2 other life's to worry about doesn't mean you stop worrying about yourself." I meet Jack's eyes and sigh, taking a bite of the food.

"There you go." Taylor laughs, shoving a spoon full of eggs in his mouth. I giggle slightly and continue eating.

I love my family.


Word Count: 1153


Wow guys. We are so close to the end. 1 last chapter I can't believe it.

Tho the last chapter will not be made by me, but by Amirmartin23. Me and him have been working together all throughout this book and we decided I write pt1 and he write pt2. To conclude this book together. I will of course give more information in the next chapter about books to look forward to and other things. But for now, see you later.

Song: Trees - Twenty-one Pilots


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