2.10 Like a Family

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(A/N wow guys we've gotten pretty far and since this is comming to an end each chapter will be the next month. So the last two chapters where parts so that's 6 months. This will be 7 months, next chapter 8 months, then the chapter next 9 months then what ever is after that etc.)

Cody's POV:

My life is hell. Everything hurts. Uuuuuugggghhhhh.

"Maaattttttyyyy!!!" I yell from my bedroom. "Yes?!?" I groan and my blankets off, to sit up. "Can you come here?!" I here talking from downstairs and then footsteps running to my bedroom until the door busts open

Mathew automatically rushes to my side. "Are you okay? Did you fall? Are you hurt? Are the babies okay?" He rushes out. I put my hand on his chest and put a finger to my lips shushing him.

"I'm fine. The babies are fine. I just need some help getting to the car." His face holds confusion. I role my eyes, "I have to go to the doctor but first I want Starbucks."

Matt laughs "You and your Starbucks." I nod with a smile and stick out my hand. He grabs it then puts one arm around me to keep me steady.

Matt offers to drive me and I gladly accept his offer, we drive to Starbucks then head to the doctors

Once we arrived I was automatically taken back for the ultrasound.

"Hello Cody! How have you been?" Dr.Patton asks walking in. he has been my doctor for a few months now.

"I'm doing pretty good. Just here for a check up." I smile. He nods and gets the machine ready, as well as putting the goo on my stomach.

He starts the testing a minute later and starts moving the little wand around the bottom if my stomach.

"Well it seems your two boys are healthy. They are in the right position, it's a little early for that but they could just be preparing themselves." He squints his eyes at the screen for a minute. "It seems that one of their ears are not formed right, so he has a chance of being deaf in that ear until he can have surgery when he is much older."

I take in his words feeling the worry in my chest. "But he will be okay right?" Patton nods "yes. He will be perfectly healthy." I look to Matt who gives me a reassuring smile and squeezes my hand.

Dr.Patton takes a few pictures then realeases us to leave, which I am thankful for. I ran out of Starbucks.

"Could we stop by Starbucks one more time?" I ask Matt, using puppy dog eyes. He sighs and complies to my wishes. I cheer nd do a little dance happy I'm getting a treat.

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

The boys are rough housing again....-insert dramatic sigh- they are basically grown children! And Matt's playing with them!!!!! While IIII!!! THE 7 MONTH PREGNANT HORMONAL TEENAGER!!!! Is sitting here alone contemplating life. PLUS IM OUT OF STARBUCKS!!! ... Wee anything wrong with that picture...

I rub my temple, a migraine starting up. "Cody? Are you okay?" Matt asks walking up to me. "No I'm clearly not." I sigh in frustration. He looks at me strange.

"What's wrong?" He asks, pulling me away from the pool, rubbing my arms, trying to get me to calm down....yeah...that's not working.

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