Ch 2: Fallen Kingdom

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Third Person POV


"The child, the child," Sang a woman who cradled her child lovingly. "An earthling that roams,"

"Across the seas,"

"And upon the homes."

. . .

A tear fell down the woman's cheek as she gently laid the sleeping baby into a cart filled with hay.

"Oh child, oh child," The woman sang, softly carressing the cheek of her child. "I bless you with thee,"

"To sing in the mountains, of the sleeping."

"I love you,



(Name) jolted upright, feeling their sweating palms and ragged breathing. They laid silent for a long while, staring up at their cieling with a mixed feeling welling up in their chest. It felt heavy; burdensome, almost.

They turned to their side, and began to coop up the sudden feelings of angst, confusion, and curiosity. Embracing these feelings, they contemplated, wholeheartedly, to the rhythm of a ticking clock that sat somewhere not far from them.

What would bring up such a feeling? It was strange, to suddenly wonder about the past in which they couldn't remember. It was strange, to bring up a dying curiosity in which was long buried.

To recall such a dull thought in which couldn't have been reminded of in any way -- it was so odd. A dream in which refreshed the spirit of inquiry about their fraternal and paternal ancestry. But at the same time, these inquiries gave (Name) a dulling feeling inside of them. One that felt sickening. One that felt as though it were eating them alive, almost. A homesickness, probably.

This dream had occurred for quite a while now, as if telling them something vital.

They couldn't tell whether or not the song was directed to them. Whether the song had meaning and was attempting to tell them its secrets, its attachments to something. Was it to warn (Name)? Or was it to haunt (Name) through showing them their past in which they couldn't recall?

(Name) took a deep sigh and closed their eyes, wishing that these dreams could just end. That they can somehow see their biological parents without dreaming or looking at them through drawings that they had drawn as a child.

But all they felt besides them was emptiness and the never-ending feeling of bitterness for their isolation. (Name) felt compelled to hate it.


Midnight. Not even silence itself can seem to slice through the dreadful and eerie atmosphere.

No one was around. (Name) woke up abruptly from a ear-piercing sound, and with confusion and fear they peeked out of their room in their nightwear. Baffled by the silence and utter emptiness of the area, they hesitantly took a step out and proceeded to walk throughout the hallways.

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