Chapter 16: Meeting Kiku.

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"Thank you again for letting us stay here, Feliciano." I said to him as soon as we arrived to the inn. He gave me a cheerful smile.

"It's the least I could do for a very kind ragazza like you! Right, Ludwig?"

Feliciano looked up to the said man who looked to me and then to Feliciano.

"Yeah, sure." Ludwig mumbled as he opened the door for us and let us in. The first thing we saw was tables aligned in a neat row, accompanied with a chairs on both sides.

I searched around the room and realized it really was a bar. I've seen a lot of these kind of things back at my kingdom when I was able to scurry away from the castle without my parents noticing.

Alfred knew exactly what I was thinking, too. Every time I escaped he would always be by my side.

"It looks very clean." Arthur deadpanned as he skeptically observed every single object with this intruiged expression on his face.

"Oh, I should call in Kiku! I'm sure he would love to meet you all!" Feliciano informed us with joy as he scurried up the stairs that was located on the right of this room, merely blocked by a wall to obscure themselves from the customers.

"What do you guys want?" Ludwig asked us.

"We'd like some water, if you provide any, that is." Arthur replied on behalf of our group, still skeptical for some reason.

Ludwig simply nodded and walked away, I'm supposing was the kitchen, and the three of us led ourselves over to a table.

I wonder what actually is upstairs. Bedrooms? Bathrooms?

"Kiku's coming, he'll be down in a moment!" Feliciano yelled, and as we turned our heads we saw him running downstairs and towards us.

Soon another man, whose hair was raven black and eyes were tinted brown, came following after Feliciano with a more calmer and professional atmosphere surrounding him.

He looked our way, part-expectant and part-curious to whom we were (probably, I don't want to just assume things of what I say are valid). Then as soon as he was at our table, he bowed.

"Good evening, it is nice to meet you all."

"Good evening to you too, Kiku." I replied with a grin.

"I'm hungry," Alfred whined.

Arthur smacked the back of his head. "Manners, Alfred, manners!"

"Geez, okay, I'm sorry." Alfred mumbled, looking down to the table before him.

"Ah, you must be hungry, I-I'll go set up the table." Kiku stammered, rushing over to the kitchen. I saw Ludwig coming out as well and brought us our water. He sat down on the seat across from us and looked straight at me.

"I apologize once again for what I did."

"It's really alright, I understand that you're doing this to protect your city."

"I...okay." Ludwig averted his gaze. "So, what are your names? In case we meet again, that is."

"My name's Alfred!" Alfred chirped with a wide toothy smile.

"Arthur Kirkland, pleased to meet you, sir." Arthur nodded.

"(Name). You can call me (Name)." I finished off and gave a kind smile his way.

He awkwardly smiled back and stood up abruptly. "I'll excuse myself now."

"Alright, see you later, Ludwig." I responded as I watched him take his leave.


"Calmness and tranquility is kindly accepted in the threshold, according to a man of wisdom. Those who break the presence is as well welcomed, however only with less respect than the rest."


We're so sorry with the late chapter! (>y<)

We're also sorry that it's short, but we really wanted to stay on schedule, so here's all we have. We promise to make it much longer than this, so don't worry!

Hope you like this chapter, however!

- Author-chan

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