Ch 7: Marketplace Wonders

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"Marketplace day!" Alfred sighed as he walked next to me. "Isn't this a pleasantly welcoming day, (Name)? Like, look at all of the chirping birds, and the glistening ocean just over there! It's so beautiful out here."

"Right." I responded, laughing with such ebullient laughter, as if no burdens had weighed down on me.

He seemed to stare at me for what felt like the longest time. I began to think that there may have been something on my face, to make him look at me for that long.

"Is something the matter?" I asked.

"I could inquire the same thing to you. What's on your mind?"

From his question I instantly assumed that my expression explained his concerns.

"Well, for starters, I just wish that there was an easier way to make me think that no one around here will recognize me." I replied, warily staring upon the people who passed by or stood besides me.

"I assure you. With your disguise, I doubt anyone will really know it's you!" Alfred replied with a smile. "At first, when I saw you exiting the washroom, I thought you were a complete stranger."

"...You were watching me?!"



I believe it had been several hours since we all arrived to the premises. Yukina and Dana were telling tales, per usual. I stood by one of the younger children who asked questions to appeal their curiosities, and to enlighten their anticipation.

Hearing their tales reminded me so much of when I was much younger. Frolicking along the Royal Garden, hearing the chirping birds and feeling the happiness radiating along the path -- I was happy.

Even then I'd wonder what I was like before I was adopted into the Royal Family. Was I happier then? To have no restrictions, and go on adventures without having my parents worry about me so much?

Nonetheless, I missed them. My parents. My Mother and Father, who I remember growing up with at the castle.

With a sigh, I detected a slight movement heading my way through the corner of my eye. Turning towards the movement, I was met with a man in his early 20s.

"(Name) (Surname), correct?" The man inquired. The question undoubtedly startled me. In all honesty, I didn't even expect him to give me a second glance.

"Well, yes. And you are?"

The expected suspicion and fear rose upon me. It was beyond me to assume that this was some ordinary common man immediately realizing that I was the person he assumed I was. I desperately wished for this man to not be associated with that of Luciano.

"Don't worry, love, I'm not associated with Fellsworth." He told me, chuckling. His eyes wrinkled by the corner of his eyes; he must be genuinely happy, for whatever reason.

I simply nodded, unsure whether or not to trust this stranger. Blonde hair, green eyes, and bushy eyebrows. Goodness, those eyebrows can beat anyone's any day!

"Well, thank the heavens. But what do you need, Mr. ..?"

"Do address me as Arthur. I'm sure you know Alfred, so, erm ... I'm quite closely related to him, and hearing news from him after so long shocked me, no doubt. I've heard about what happened at the castle, and ... My condolences. It must be difficult to fend for yourself nowadays."

I stayed silent for a moment, averting my gaze from him. I couldn't help but acknowledge a weight once again hefting down on my shoulders, but I couldn't just let him know that -- and so I uttered nothing.

I was glad to hear him speaking again after the brief moment of silence.

"I, um ... I'll just go."

A sudden urge to stop him enveloped me in its embrace, and I immediately latched onto his sleeve. His once averted eyes instantly locked into mines, looking surprised and dumbfounded. I wanted to say something, but my voice refused to emit any sort of sound.

What could I even say?

"He's, um, visiting someone." Arthur replied, almost too quickly. It was as though he expected me to understand what he said. "I-I mean Alfred. Alfred's visiting someone."

"May you take me to him?" I promptly uttered, without any thought, and without any hesitance.

"Ah, of course, love." was all he said, smiling submissively. Then he turned around and began to walk, and I didn't know if I could let go of his sleeve, when I knew I should have. But no matter how far we walked across the marketplace, he didn't state a single word about it.

The place Arthur was leading me to was quite far from the premises. I began to wonder where Alfred could have strayed off to, away from people. I didn't think it was like him to walk this far off, onto a shabby gravel path with several piles of stones and other things that no human may need.

"Where are we going, Arthur?"

"Somewhere. I'll let you know when we get there."

I merely stared at the back of his tunic, picturing the places that Alfred could have resided in within this time span. Perhaps a field of flowers? Maybe a magical forest? Or maybe he's going to meet his mother after so long. That would be nice.

Unfortunately, we suddenly stopped.

"We're here."


"Yes, here."

My blood ran cold. I felt chills, and the cold air surrounding this area surely strengthened the feeling. Everything in this place felt cold. But I felt that it was intentional.

This place was a graveyard.


"Look into the people's eyes and see how they're feeling."

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