Ch 5: Memory Loss

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"erhm, (name), you're spacing out again."

Out of natural instinct, I turned to face Yukina, who stared right back at me. She didn't say anything else, as if anticipating for some sort of answer. I felt my face heating up.

"My apologies. I must've been up in the clouds today."

I smiled at her to mask my embarrassment, and she simply smiled back.

"it's fine. the clouds could have been enjoying your company, too, y'know." said Yukina, who averted her eyes to see the clouds that were undoubtedly looming the two of us.

I had to feign ignorance. My own, that is. All this time, sitting on a boulder, gazing to the sky, and silently musing my thoughts ... I just felt uneducated, for once. To figure out about my unknowing hatred for these clouds, as they reminded me of something that I didn't accept to recall.

And despite this, I still liked the clouds. It takes me away with silence and proceeds to let me wander to obscure thoughts. And that was what happened at this very moment.

I took the time to stare around, and observe the beautiful scenery that surrounded me. Swaying trees of different colors; reds, yellows, oranges are to be seen from several areas.

Before me was a calm sight.

"oh, and (Name)," Yukina said. I briefly glanced over to her, to see that she was already immersed on seeing the swaying trees in front of her. "dana and i are planning on traveling to the marketplace within the next upcoming days."

"Ah, I see."

"i'd like to ask if you'd want to come with, if you don't mind..."

I took a small, gentle sigh, "I'm completely okay with it. Unless walking is a necessity. Otherwise I would be happy to follow along."

"heh," She chuckled. "typical (Name)."

"Excuse me?" I asked, acting as though I took offense to such a -- if you've noticed, joking -- statement. But my smile clearly explained otherwise, and I was sure as hell that she caught on.

"ah, i'm sorry. i was just mumbling about physiques."

I couldn't help but grin. But I questioned the fact that she somehow knew that I wasn't much of a person who would hold the place of 'liking-exercise-all-that-much'. I evidently questioned everything about her, and her sister, Dana. They seemed to know me more than I know myself, which is odd. But I shook it off, as if it were just something that I was overthinking about.

I do wish that my odd questions could be answered soon enough.

"Of all things, Yukina," I said, with a sudden tinge of curiosity existing in my tone. "why say that it was typical of me?"

Of course, the fun in it had to end. Her immediate reaction to my statement was something that made it deem as a question that shouldn't have been said. Sudden silence, unwillingness, a humorless expression...

"It just slipped out." was all she said, before standing up and turned away from me. "I'll be inside."

I felt dumbfounded, and it even took a few seconds for me to realize that she was departing. Immediately, I asked,

"Are you alright, Yuki? Was it something I said-"

Yukina hesitantly turned to express a smile on her face. "no, it's okay. it's not your fault or anything."

"Are you sure?"

"you should probably get inside, it's getting dark." Yukina murmured, turning her heel without batting an eye.

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