Chapter 21: Awaiting Fog

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"Goodness, there's a storm drifting ahead. I thought the last one dispersed already," sighed Tino as he looked over to me with a sad look. "I'm sure you've encountered it before, right? How did it go for you?"

"Very heavy, that's for sure." was my answer.

"I feel sympathetic for your encounter - but it's okay, I'm sure this will be the last storm, and you won't need to have any concerns."

"But . . . I like the rain." I mumbled half-honestly. The other half nags to me and refuses to agree with my claim.

Tino didn't seem to hear me nonetheless.

Instead, he waddled away to his other acquaintances and proceeded to chat with them. I took a brief shake of the head and went over to Alfred and Arthur.

"So when do you think we'll depart?" I asked them. They seemed to look at each other, before they looked back at me.

"I'm sorry, love, but I honestly don't know." Arthur sighed. "You can possibly go ahead and ask Berwald...or, um, or even the other people, I suppose, if that works better for you."

After a moment, I couldn't help but let out a surpressed laugh. "You're funny! Are you trying to say that I should avoid Berwald? What's so bad about him? Haha!"

Alfred looked over to Arthur with a grin across his face, only for Arthur to glare back at him. I continued to laugh quietly to myself as they suddenly started bickering, and so I made my way to the group of five. Mathias turned to me with a wide grin, seemingly the first person to acknowledge my presence.

"Hva ?" He asked me, and soon everyone else had their gaze upon mines.

"I wanted to ask the time for our departure." Was my reply.

"We're planning on leaving when the sun is nearing the horizon." Said Emil.

"Why's that?"

"Usually as soon as it's night, it's more...peaceful. Nothing bad happens in the sea." replied Lukas.


"Yeah. Something like that."

I slowly nodded in understanding before I saw Berwald leaving at the corner of my eye.


The least I expected was that the clouds started to drizzle. I didn't even realize how close those clouds were, and look at me now. But I didn't care.

And soon the ship started to sail as well.


The ship traveled slowly, as like any other ship would; fog was actually nearing and it caused me to have some difficulty with my sight.

"(Name), (Name) dear," called Tino. "Stay near Berwald, I'm sure he's near you."

As I heard his voice, I quickly obliged. I was more than sure that I was too near the border, and soon I led myself towards an oh-so familiar figure as tall as Berwald. That could have been him, right?

An arm took ahold of mines, and I realized it was Berwald, whose menacing gaze stared down into me. I shrinked back a bit, but then his grip lessened and he looked onwards. "N't me." He said. "Ill'sion."

I have a startled breath as he informed me and realized I was back at the border again. At first I thought I was at the midsection of the deck, but I suppose I assumed incorrectly.

I gave Berwald a thankful smile, politely apologizing for my ridiculous horseplay. I should've been more intent, more aware, should I not?

And then suddenly he towered me like an umbrella, shielding my head from the water droplets that continued downwards. I felt at ease at last, and as I looked up to Berwald he seemed to have been keeping that reserved look.

"Berwald? Berwald, you have (Name), right?" I heard Tino's voice again, his figure seeming to near.

"Mm," was his response.

"Tino? Are you okay?" I called out into the cold air, and unbeknownst to me a swaying figure concealed themselves from just under the ocean's surface. I didn't take much care towards the thing, and soon I saw Tino through vision's reach.

"Yes, dear, I'm quite alright. Berwald, are you okay?" replied Tino.

"Mm," Berwald answered with a knowing look. He kept stern and serious nonetheless.

"I'm so very sorry that the departure had to be like this, (Name)." Tino apologized to me with caring eyes. I gave a short laugh and shook it off.

"It's alright," I said. "I don't mind at all, I guess, but as long as we all get there safe and sound we're a-okay."

Tino seemed to beam in satisfaction when I mentioned the 'we' as in the entire group as a whole. Every single passenger on this ship.

With my bright enthusiasm seemingly lightening the mood, Berwald threw his coat over my head, nearly shielding my eyes, and then I felt arms entangling around me.


"G'st. Warm." He said.

I gave a sheepish smile as I felt Tino's laugh. I lifted Berwald's coat just above my hands so I can see better, and there Tino was, beaming with happiness.

"Berwald likes you, dear! Be grateful for that, 'kay? It usually isn't likely for someone like Berwald to like others so simply."

Giving a giggle at that, I looked over to Berwald to see that same indifferent look.

"Berwald?" I asked, with sudden curiosity taking over.


" you smile?"

He paused. Then he gave a deeper frown. But I didn't seem to really...receive that much of a reply. And so I continued the conversation over to Tino.

"When do you think this fog will disperse?"

"Hm. Maybe in about four or so hours time. Most likely until morning comes upon, though." Tino replied with that same unmoving smile.

I smiled back. "Well, that's very time consuming for the brain!"

"I cannot tell whether or not that was meant as a comedical paronomasia."

"I didn't even know that slipped."

"Hm, very odd indeed."


"Everyone likes happiness. No one wants pain. But we can't have a rainbow - without a little rain."


Hva ? - What's up?

Sorry if the innacuracy towards the translation is bugging you! Don't be shy to correct us. Hope you liked it!

I'm starting to think this story is too cliché

Hope to fix that up soon! :P

- Author-kun

UPDATE: WTF? I published this very chapter twice yesterday! How come it isn't published today??

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