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It was nothing but a thought, to imagine a giddy child jumping from one puddle to another in mere glee. It was such a happy thought to see these happy things, but I couldn't feel it. It was sorrowful, all the more depressing, and all those burdening thoughts took my interests away.

I felt as though I wasn't deserving of this happiness, when there wasn't anyone to tell me the rights and wrongs. To tell me what I should work on next. To tell me, "You're not alone."

It was unnecessary for me to constantly visit this place. There was no one here who would physically listen to my thoughts, and yet, I was still so drawn to this area, it made me come back, eager for the next opportunity for my stories and tales to be heard again.

Perhaps it might be an irritant for them, and I should feel sorry for that. But at the same time, I felt that it was the only way for me to think that they're still here.

It was not long before I made it to the weathered grave. I spared an umbrella over it, and it seemed to hold up quite well.

Taking a hesitant glance towards the entrance of the precinct, I cast a meek smile towards the grave.

"Good morrow, Yukina. I've brought you a rose again. Have you managed to take care of the other ones well?" I greeted the grave with a gentle tone. My eyes began to sting momentarily, and I attempted to shake off the feeling of this pain by rubbing it off.

"It's the most wonderful of miracles to find out that our parents have been found. But it was a disastrous discovery to realize that there was a war going on as well. How cruel may this society be? I'm almost glad that you're dead. I wouldn't want you to suffer the same pains I do, and I really do hope that where you are now is a much better place."

Of course, I had no response.

"After the war, many people mourned. And (Name)... they were also despondent, at first. Subsequently, their actions made even more people mourn, and-" I ceased my musings to rethink my thoughts. The feeling in my chest was interminable, but soon it grew numb, as it was before. Taking a deep breath, I continued.

"Sorry for the disheartened statement. I'm not beginning to speak ill of the dead, am I? It isn't my intention."

Then, I knelt down, finally placing a rose upon her grave.

"I'll properly talk to you again soon. I hope you're doing well."


My chest refused to heave as I trudged my way towards (Name)'s grave. She didn't stand out like the rest, as if her heroic actions were condoned without any thought. It was as though she was just there.

It was an aching curiosity of mine to wonder why the people she was close to began to forget about her. Had she committed to a decision in which no one would have wanted happening? I wouldn't believe she'd do such a thing.

"How do you do, (Name)?" I asked. The crestfallen tone that I displayed in my voice couldn't have been repressed more.

I didn't want (Name) to realize how doleful and miserable the town suddenly felt with their absent presence. No one seemed to even know why they felt this way, however. And no matter how persistent I was when trying to explain to them the actions that (Name) contributed to this society, they refused to identify the tale. It was as though something was preventing them from discerning such.

"After your departure, I've come to the decision to search for your parents. They're still alive and well. Your mother is terribly ill, but your father had come to the decision to aid her until she gets better. He tells me that it had been a few months now, and it only started just before the war ended.

Your mother tells me that her child is dying, and that she needed to see them before they pass. It's disheartening to hear that your father tells her that they had no child and that he never had any memory of a kin of his own kind. And after hearing the news of your death ... I can't muster the courage to go back and tell her that you're gone. Perhaps she's forgetting, too, as we speak."

It was as though the pain was being numbed away by my sorrow. I couldn't speak, daresay tell (Name) that everyone really is forgetting about them. I didn't want (Name) to realize that their parents are still alive, and that they could have wished for something else. It would hurt for (Name) to realize that they decided to sacrifice themselves without realizing that they had more to live for than anticipated.

If (Name) knew, however, things would clearly be different. They would be much happier to meet their parents again. Their friends wouldn't forget them. But perhaps the life in which they could have had would be meaningless when Sir Luciano was still all powerful.

Perhaps they knew that ending their life was the only way to stop Sir Luciano's intent. But even death is undeserving of such a priceless youth like theirs.

"I will not intend to see another day, realizing that I know no clue as to how the future came to be. This curse that I hold ... I know nothing about. It may be stuck with me, and a part of me hopes it stays. I wouldn't want to live an empty life without realizing that you were once in it, (Name).

But, you see, I should have forgotten. You've ... wished for us all to forget about you, did you not? Your wishes, under your strength and power. You've honed such a skill throughout these years.

And such a wish made even Sir Luciano forget. Our government had chosen to execute him out of treason, and shall be hanged in due time. After such an event, Alfred considered taking over Meraghyl. The people were for some reason ecstatic, and their influence was great enough to make him king. It was as though the kingdom was establishing a flourishing democracy."

Letting the silence engulf us both, I took a few moments to reflect on what life could have been like if (Name) was still with their parents. I immediately shook such a thought away.

"(Name), thank you. For everything that you've done for us. It's almost ... inhumane of me to show how much gratitude I hold towards you. This strong feeling is almost impossible to express. I really do hope you know how valuable you are to us, no matter where you are, and no matter how much memories of you we end up forgetting.

I hope that in another tale, we can all achieve our happy ending. What do you say?"

Casting a dejected smile their way, I took it to realization and attempted to mask that sadness away -- and so I tried to let out a laugh.

I couldn't.

"I'll ... meet you soon in due time, (Name)."

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