Chapter 20: Message, Onwards!

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"Alfred! Get up from your lazy ass and hurry up!" Arthur yelled from afar as he packed up.

"But I just woke up, and I'm sooo tired!"

I came up to them with the horses, thanks to Ludwig's help, and smiled lightly.

"As soon as we get to the harbor, you can sleep in the boat." I tried to stay wise as I said so. "Otherwise, we better hurry up or else we'll have to wait until tomorrow for the next ride!"

"Shoot! I don't want that to happen!" I heard Alfred say as he ran out of the guest room with some bags and clothes in his arms.


So walking over to our horses, we settled on the main goal on our hands: Get to the ships at sea. Looking over to the blue painted waves crashing and swaying up and down, I barely saw the boats that stood above them.

They were huge. And yes, I'm adding emphasis to it.


Haha. That's what she said.


Before we fully left our 3-day stay, I managed to bid my goodbyes to Kiku, Ludwig and of course Feliciano.

"Otsukaresama deshita, Kiku!" I told said person with a grin.

"Ki so tsukete, (Name)-san!" he said back with the same amount of gratitiude.

Hesitantly, I have him a kind hug, to which he soon hugged back from. I felt his smile, and I smiled back.

When I let go, I looked over to Ludwig with beaming happiness.

"Auf wiedersehen, sweetheart!" I said with confidence. He was honestly a cute guy, and he deserved some respect. I was surprised when I added sweetheart at the end, as if those words came from a song, but I shook it off. He seemed surprised too, but then he gave me a warm smile and ruffled my hair.

"Auf wiedersehen, (Name)."

And finally, Feliciano. I literally glomped him. "Arrivederci, Feliciano!" I said in glee.

He grinned in happiness, but I heard the sadness in his voice.

"A presto, mia bella!"

"Feli, don't be sad, I'll be sure to visit you soon! And by then, we can make your favorite pasta together!" I chirped, in an attempt to make him feel better.

"Really?" He asked, opening his eyes for what seemed like the first time - and that his eyes sparkled with joy.

"Mhm!" and by then I giggled. "And when I come back, I'll be sure to bring papers and color pencils for us to draw with! I might be bad at drawing, but who cares... I'll be happy to draw with you whenever you feel like it! Just say my name, and I'll be there."

"(Name), I suppose it's time to go now." Arthur called.

I simply nodded in understanding and hugged the three men one more time, before turning my heel, and then finally excusing myself.

...But I could've sworn I heard someone call my name.

"Well, let's goooo!" Alfred subsequently uttered as he dragged his horse along with him to the town that sloped downwards.

I soon followed after Alfred's retreating figure, passing by the fellow villagers and workers that seem to acknowledge my presence. My hood was still draped upon me the whole way, however this time my appearance has changed. Last night, Arthur casted a spell on me to make me look different - maybe a bit younger, maybe a bit older. I'm said to be addressed as (Second Name) (Maiden Name) for so on, so forth.

"(Name), are you sure you don't want me to carry that?" Arthur asked as he walked alongside of me.

"Yes, I'm alright." I replied with a grin. The bags I was told to be carrying, accompanied with me dragging the horse, wasn't all that bad. It made my arms sore after a while but I didn't care.

Arthur nodded, with what seemed like unsureness, and continued to carry his own supplies. I honestly don't know how he's so unfazed by the stuff he held - few boxes on his shoulders, a couple of bags, and then the horse.

He even walked a slower pace than usual just for me. I feel embarrassed because of this, but I refrained from saying anything.


The birds flew onwards towards their next destination. The sun pierced my eyes as I looked a bit further, and then as I looked forward I saw the sea. Gray clouds seem to come this way, large and empowering.

Arthur, Alfred and I stood by a boatman who seemed to interrogate us about our identities and such.

He had an intimidating look, that's for sure.

"N'me," said the man as he glared down at Alfred.

"Alfred F. Jones, mister sir!" Alfred replied with an energetic smile.

"B'rth," he continued.

"4th of July, mister sir!"

"N'tive l'nd," he said again.

"America, mister sir!"

"M' n'me is Berwald," he grumbled before moving on to Arthur.

"Okay, mister sir!"

"..." he paused for a few moments. "N'me,"

"Arthur Kirkland."


"23rd of April."

"N'tive l'nd,"


Berwald nodded and soon looked at me with a dense stare.


"(Second Name) (Maiden Name), sir."


"(Day of Birth)."

"N'tive l'nd."

"(Native Country)."

He then nodded at me, but he stared towards my direction much longer than the others. Then he looked away, proceeding to lead us to his ship.

"N'ce boat." Berwald claimed in a simple tone as he gave a short pat on the boat's walls. Then he led us up a ramp to the main deck of the ship, whereas the rest of his crew were found.

"Woah! More people!" said one of them - the one who has blonde spiky hair.

Then, another man spoke up, "Welcome to our boat, passengers!"

I feel like girls were erased from the world right now.


"Sometimes people go too far to result in waiting for things that won't happen."


Otsukaresama deshita - Thank you for your hard work

Ki so tsukete - Take care

A presto - See you soon

Again, we're sorry if the translations are innacurate!

- Author-kun

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