Ch 4: Welcomed.

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"Um...hello," I shyly greeted, immediately baffled at the sight of seeing a young woman who was several inches shorter than I was.

"A-ah! I'm so sorry," The girl squeaked, apologizing, before stepping to the side. "Please, do come in, you two must be tired."

Alfred scratched the back of his head sheepishly and led the two of us in. I gave one last glance to the unfamiliar girl and then looked around her (or maybe their) home.

It was extremely neat and tidy, from the looks of it. 

To the left lay a wall with a bookshelf filled with countless of books -- there were so any of them, it blanketed the floor around it with even more books.

To my right had a little seating area and a fireplace not to far from it. The look of it had a cozy and warm vibe to it.

Another girl, much taller than the first one, peeked out from an opening, at the far right of the entranceway. The opening must be the entrance to the kitchen, seeing that there was counters and the like inside of there.

"oh, the visitors are here? perfect timing." said the tall girl. "i'll prepare the drinks."

"Oo, I'd love to help!" chirped the short girl, who quickly led Alfred and I to the little seating area. "I'll be right back."

And so she went.

For a few moments, I heard quite a bit of muffled voices coming from the kitchen. I looked at Alfred for a moment, he looked back at me, and we both stared at each other for who knew how long as if questioning what was going on before the two girls came back with a tray of cups filled with water.

The tall girl came up to us with a tray of beverages and handed it to us. "want some? you must be hungry."

I sweat dropped, taking a second glance at the cups. "But, these are liquid..?"

She hesitantly looked at the tray before staring back at me. "oh." 

The girl shrugged with a blank look and sat with the short girl who had sat across from us. "anyways, i guess we'll introduce ourselves."

I simply nodded, gesturing for them to do so.

The short girl looked up with a polite smile. "My name is Dana! It's a pleasure to be meeting you two."

The other girl flashed a grin. "im Yukina, but you can call me Yuki."

"Well, I'm (Name), if you didn't know." I introduced myself, with a calm smile. I glanced to Alfred who simply grinned at my introduction.

"It's nice to meet you, (lord/lady) (Name)." Dana chirped.

"You can just call me (Name)."

"A-ah, I'm sorry. I must've forgotten, haha." she laughed, before letting a meek smile appear on her face.

"No, it's alright." I replied, letting it slide with a slight chuckle.

I couldn't help but wonder why she would address me that way in the first place, or why she'd just shake it off by saying that she 'forgot'. It did feel a tad bit strange.

"hey, wanna know a secret?" Yukina asked, casually. She seemed to break the slight tension that went around this atmosphere.

It took me a slight moment to respond.

"Well, I guess..." I replied, feeling curious. Alfred intently listened as well. I could tell he likes secrets. I wasn't exactly sure if he was bad at keeping them, though.

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