Chapter 13: Filled with Obscure Thoughts

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[ M E A N W H I L E . . . ]
(A Few Days Back...)

Dana was silently humming a small tune as she walked passed the fellow villagers with a polite wave and a brightened smile.

Yukina was at home as always, cleaning, washing clothes, cooking food, and then went to sleep most of the time.

However today was like no other. Yukina decided to walk through the forest to calm herself down from the all the hardships and stress weighed upon her.

(Name) suddenly appearing, the never ending thought of Dana actually expecting their parents to come back. And of course, her own conscience.

Say something rude, she isn't guilty of her words.

Break the rules, she never regrets it.

Soon enough she stumbled upon a man who leaned against a tree, smiling almost disturbingly and seemed as if he didn't notice her presence.

She quickly tried to walk passed.

Emphasize passed.

"Yukina, am I correct?"

Her breath hitched as her name was mentioned and slowly turned over to him with a stoic face.

"yes, what is it? am i convicted for some sort of bizzare crime or what?"

"No no, nothing of the sort - I just want to talk to you, just for a moment!"

Suddenly, the man pinned her to the tree.

"I'm curious about this girl, (Name). She's wanted in this kingdom you don't need to know about."

"Oh, I know all about it," Yukina replied with a sly smirk. "In fact, I may know more than you think. But, never mind that."

And soon she casually pushed him off of her, him being taken aback.

"What's the talk, Ollie?" Her brows furrowed. "And whaddaya want with (Name)? I swear to my mother's grave that if you hurt her I'll--"

"I won't hurt her. I already know where she is anyways. I'm sort of like. . . on your side, but temporarily. Like a truce to something important, yes?"

She squinted her eyes. "did you say prunes or something--?"

"I said truce. What are you, deaf?"

"eh, sorta."

"Anywho, I just wanted to know more about her. It's very simple, and I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Well, I got one." She averted her eyes. "Her name is no. Her sign is no. Her number is no. And my answer will always be NO. Want me to be more specific?"

"You're such a mysterious girl, Yuki."

"Don't you dare call me that. You have no right."

"But I have one question left."

"Dammit Oliver. Back at it again with those worthless questions!"

"Are you aware of (Name)'s safety? Because I can make that disappear in a snap."

Yukina raised a brow. "But--"

"Oh no no no, Yukina, you weren't the one who casted those spells. I did. And if you don't tell me anything about her secrets I'll easily demolish it and bring Luciano to her. Would you like me to do so?"

"No, of course not. You're ruining the plot, Oliver!" Yukina screamed.

"What plot? There was never a plot." Oliver smiled wickedly.

The two stopped talking when they heard something coming close.

"...Yukina? Yukina!" A voice called in the distance. "I know you're here! I wanna show you something! It's really pretty..."

Oliver raised his shoulders slightly. "Wow, what a bizzare occurrence. I didn't know she was aware of all this."

"She isn't. And don't tell me your including her into this, because she isn't important."

"Well okay," Oliver hummed. "Tell anyone about this and you'll be facing an early grave."

"I've been expecting that."

Oliver gave his final, cold-hearted smile and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Yukina simply leaned on the tree and sighed.

Dana started to walk up to her with a bubbly smile as always and held out a letter that was once concealed in the envelope which was on her other hand.

"Lookie here, Yukina!" She chirped, gently handing Yukina the letter.

"What's this?"

"It's a letter from our parents! But it looks worn and old. Maybe the messenger was really far away from where we are and had to go from harsh measures to go here! I do hope they're alright now, but I'm excited to see what our parents have in store for us!"

Yukina's face faltered. What was she supposed to say?

"Can you read it? I haven't read it yet because I didn't want to spoil it."

"...Um, okay..."

Yukina hesitantly read the letter in her head, and then spoke.

"Dear children,

I know it has been awhile since we've left you two alone, such a hard option. We were planning to bring you to Mistress Triosis, but she declined. I hope you two are okay. Your Father and I are voyaging back over there and are expected to come here soon. If you receive this letter, do send one back to us. We'd love to read your progress!"

Yukina gripped onto the paper in anger. How long ago has this been? 2 months? 3 years?

This seemed as if they barely set off!

"I don't want to read anymore."

"Oh, um, okay. Would you like me to read the rest?"

"No. Just go home, I'm busy."

Dana simply nodded, surprised by her sudden statement, and walked away.

. . .

The next day, Yukina died.


"Secrets and promises are fragile. It's hard to conceal, take care of, and keep. It's easy to break, revert away to, and destroy."


Wow. Deep right?

. . . nah.

Sorry for the filler. And what's worse, it seems rushed. My apologies, I'm not a good writer.

- Author-kun

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