Chapter 30: Excuse me, Ivan.

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The camp was rather lively, so to say. Here and there, it would be infested with all sorts of chaos. People yelled back and forth, trying to work together in creating weapons using gunpowder. Toris and his other allies led us over to a large tent filled with other refugees.

"This is where you'll be staying. I'm sorry." Toris apologized to us, but all the while he was staring at me with sympathy. Then he closed the tent, leaving us stranded.

"Poor refugees," Alfred whispered to me, discreetly looking over to all those wounded people. "What do you think they were doing?"

"From the looks of it," I began shakily. "it looks like they were participating in the act of slavery."

"Slaves?" Alfred whispered back in fear. "No, I can't let this happen. Especially if you're here."

Alfred looked back to the entrance of the tent, realizing that there were soldiers watching by. With a distressed sigh, he looked over to Arthur who continued to breathe in an indefinite pace.

Poor Arthur. I do hope that they won't burden him if we ever had to do any work for some guy. I hated being the hostage. What kind of cruel guy would enslave innocent people to do their-

"Hello, slept well?" asked a childish voice, whose smile seemed to cause everyone to back away. "You better have! Now, everyone, by the count of ten, every single one of you should stand outside in a single file. Alright? Alright!"

With the sound of numbers evading into the air, everyone immediately rushed out. I had to help Arthur up, staggering as I did so as he floundered out of the tent.

We managed to get in line by the count of eight, but I didn't know why I decided to just follow orders from the tall man with a Russian accent.

His smile seemed rather friendly, but seeing how the tense aura surrounded him with a seemingly menacing glare that cooperated with him and the wind, I couldn't help but shrink back. I didn't tremble in fear as much as the others, but I still felt mildly uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

"Today I am planning to get through the weaker borders of Piękny, but I need the proper supplies. Each one of you are responsible to bring me back 10 pounds of iron from the mines. Those who fail to do so by dawn will suffer an excruciating death."

My heart stopped. I feared death. Deep down, I felt like I didn't, as if I really deserved it. But nonetheless, I still feared such a fate.

Then I looked over to Arthur. He still looked tired. I couldn't bare to see him straining himself.

I gave a glare towards the rocky grounds as I was forced to make my way to the mines. Even women were to do this job. At least these people didn't provide any sexist assumptions.


Including all my will-power, I forced my pickaxe straight into the stone, making my way into the earthly floor. It was nearly midnight as I continued back and forth, restlessly gaining 10 pounds of iron.

As soon as I finished, I made my way over to Arthur. I gave a relieved huff as I gave my 10 pounds of iron to him, wiping the sweat from my forehead and refused to even care about my appearance.

"(Name), I-"

"No, don't." I sighed. "Just think of this as repayment."

"But...but the time we have won't be able to get the iron in time." Arthur pleaded as quietly as possible, as if hoping the gaurds won't take notice that we are casually conversating.

"Don't worry." I reassure him. "I'll find a way to get my iron back."

Before I turned, I heard him say, "You're going to die, (Name). Take the iron back."

I ignored him and went back to my station, but not before I took his own work with me.

3 pounds of iron.

I used up most of my day to get at least 5 pounds, then the rest was rushed, working to the point that I couldn't even comprehend the numbness of my arms.

All I have is about six hours left until dawn.

Before I was able to mine my way into the earth, Alfred stood by me and threw me at least what seemed like 8 pounds of iron, that landed just by my feet. My eyes widened, shocked to see that he had dared to give me his iron.

"Alfred, what-"

"This isn't mine." he said ever so simply, his cold gaze fixated upon the rocks that sat by, those in which acting as if they were taunting him.


"I stole them."

"You can't just steal someone else's hard work, Alfred! That person used their sweat and tears and blood and other substances to work for this... I can't claim this. I don't deserve the credit."

He didn't dare look into my eyes. He persistently forced the iron to me, telling me over and over to have it. Since I didn't know whose this is from, I had to keep it to myself. I felt like crying for I didn't bother asking for others about this. I didn't dare tell anyone that this wasn't mine. I felt like a selfish person.


Dawn finally came upon the land. Everyone was forced out into the opening, some were glad, many others were panicked with bloodshot eyes. I dragged my way over to the camp, the iron brought with me. Alfred was happily whistling some tune, Arthur weakly dragging his things with him. I sighed.

And as commanded, the tall man whose name was Ivan, brutally killed those who had rebelled against his orders. One by one, he checked the weight of each stack, determining whether or not it was at least 10 pounds.

He went by Arthur. Arthur was safe.

He went by Alfred, giving him a sickly disturbing smile. Alfred was safe.

Then he went by me. I stared up at him. He stared back. Then he smiled and ruffled my hair.

"You're one of the first women to survive. Good job." he chuckled lightheartedly. Then he walked away.

I felt scarred, broken, ruined.

Innocent people, innocent children...killed. Just because of my selfishness.


"Never claim things that aren't yours. Bad things may not happen to you, but bad things will certainly happen to others."


yeah reader. feel guilty. :P

btw innocent Ivan the smolbean is not an antagonist. just look forward to the next chapter or two, lolol.

ivan needs more respekt to his naem.

also thanks so much for 2.28k+ views! :))))

- Yukina

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