-.-Radiohead Lyrics-.-

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A heart that's full up like a landfill// A job that slowly kills you// Bruises that won't heal// You look so tired and unhappy// Bring down the government//  They don't, they don't speak for us// I'll take a quiet life// A handshake of carbon monoxide

No Surprises


I won't get heavy// Don't get heavy// Keep it light and// Keep it moving// I am doing // No harm// As my world// Comes crashing down// I'm dancing// Freaking out// Deaf, dumb, and blind// In you I'm lost// In you I'm lost// I won't turn around when the penny drops// I won't stop now// I won't slack off// Or all this love// Will be in vain// Stop from falling// Down a mine// It's no one's business but mine// That all this love// Could be in vain

Present Tense


Transport, motorways and tramlines// Starting and then stopping// Taking off and landing// The emptiest of feelings// Disappointed people clinging on to bottles// And when it comes it's so so disappointing// Let down and hanging around// Crushed like a bug in the ground// Let down and hanging around// Shell smashed, juices flowing// Wings twitch, legs are going// Don't get sentimental// It always ends up drivel// One day I'm going to grow wings// A chemical reaction// Hysterical and useless// Hysterical and ...

Let Down


Dreamers// They never learn// They never learn// Beyond the point// Of no return// Of no return// And it's too late// The damage is done// The damage is done// This goes// Beyond me// Beyond you// The white room// By window// Where the sun goes// Through 



I'm on a roll// I'm on a roll//  This time, I feel my luck could change// Kill me Sarah// Kill me again with love// It's gonna be a glorious day// Pull me out of the aircrash// Pull me out of the lake// 'Cause I'm your superhero// We are standing on the edge 



Stay in the shadows// Cheer at the gallows// This is a round up// This is a low flying panic attack// Sing a song on the jukebox that goes// Burn the witch// Burn the witch// We know where you live// Red crosses on wooden doors// And if you float you burn// Loose talk around tables// Abandon all reason// Avoid all eye contact// Do not react// Shoot the messengers

Burn the Witch


That's it, sir// You're leaving// The crackle of pigskin// The dust and the screaming// The yuppies networking// The panic, the vomit// The panic, the vomit// God loves his children// God loves his children, yeah! 

Paranoid Android

Amara- (Just for shits and giggles, but she may become a regular...)

This dread still covers us// You've gotta be kidding me// The grass grows over me// Your face in the glass, in the glass//  It was just a laugh just a laugh// It's whatever you say it is// Split infinitive// And in your life, there comes the darkness// There's a spacecraft blocking out the sky// And there's nowhere to hide// You run to the back and you cover your ears// It's the loudest sound you've ever heard// In your darkest hour// Have you had enough of me?// Have you had enough of me?// Sweet darling// Have you had enough of me?// Have you had enough of me?// Sweet darling// Sweet time// Sweet dark// Sweet dark 

Decks Dark

Chuck- (Because Amara has a part, why not Chuck?)

In the neon sign// Scrolling up and down// I am born again// In an interstellar burst// I am back to save the universe// In a deep deep sleep of the innocent// I am born again 


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