Dance With Me- Gabriel

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Let's take this back to the Victorian times, shall we?

The city hall was filled with the sounds of slow, orchestral music. The floor was filled with gentlemen and women with bright colored skirts dancing perfectly to the beat. Young ladies sat at the far wall hoping a possible suitor would catch her sight and ask her for a dance.

It was all so grand and impressive, and that was what you were seeing just from the doorway.

"Don't be shy," your mother whispered in your ear as a servant escorted you inside, taking your overcoat. You walked down to the main ballroom, where you saw there were at least double the amount of people you had expected to be there. The floor was polished marble, the walls a maze of floral patterns, and the ceilings hung sparkling chandeliers.

Along with the ballroom music, you heard laughter and chatter. The servant who took your coat walked in front of you and stopped so suddenly you nearly bumped into him.

"Mrs L/n, and her daughter, Y/n," he introduced loudly.

You watched as some men from the side looked up and studied you, watching as your mother escorted you to a spot by a large window.

"Now, Y/n," she spoke. "This is your first ball, please remember your etiquette. You are a lady. If a suitor asks you to a dance, you mustn't make a foul of yourself and decline."

"Yes, Mother," you sighed, glancing out of the window, your breath fogging up the glass. You watched her reflection nod and retreat to where the other mothers were standing. You let out a huff, this was going to be a long night, you might as well make yourself comfortable.

From the window, you watched as the servant walked back into the ballroom to announce the arrival of another guest.

"Mr-" he began to shout, only to be cut off.

"Gabriel," a man came up behind him, "they call me Gabriel."

Your turned so you were facing the entrance. The newcomer was tall, fair-haired, and around your age. Perhaps a bit older. He had thin lips that formed a perfect smirk. He was impeccably dressed in a black tail coat, black trousers, white shirt, and a faded green waistcoat.

He had a unique eye color that reminded you of the ale that your father drank. You watched as he scanned the room, studying each and every available lady, until his gaze fell upon you.

Immediately, you felt heat rise to your cheeks and you hastily dropped your gaze. You heard the music playing hit it's final note and the dancers curtsied and bowed to one another before scrambling find new dance partners before the music started once more.

A girl who had waiting next to you was offered a dance by a gentleman, you watched as she walked to the center of the room like she was the queen herself. You rolled your eyes and gazed, once more, out the window, only to see a familiar reflection appear.

You turned around quickly to come face to face with the newcomer. He bowed low.

"Hello," he greeted, rather casually for such a formal event. "Will you do the honor of dancing with me, Miss-"

"-Y/n," you supplied graciously, knowing your mother would be watching your every move.

"Miss Y/n," he smirked. You took a nervous breath and cautiously extended your hand for him to take, hoping that was the proper way to accept. Some of the girls behind you muttered jealous remarks that you were the gentleman's first dance.

Gabriel, as you remembered he was introduced by, guided you to the dance floor. That was when you started feeling nervous. You had never danced before and had no clue what to do.

"Excuse me," you started, Gabriel glanced down at you. "I'm sorry, but, I have never been to a ball before and I do not know how to dance."

"Not a problem," he replied as the music started playing. "Put your hand on my right shoulder." You did as he told you and felt him put his hand on your shoulder-blade. "Very nice," he mumbled as he grabbed your right hand with his left and lifted them up so they were just above shoulder level. "Now, just mirror my moves, I step forward, you step back."

The music picked up to a simple tune with a three beat rhythm. You felt Gabriel push you backwards and stepped back, unfortunately with the wrong foot. Your knees collided and he faltered for a quick moment.

"Sorry," you whispered, heat rising back to your cheeks. Next time he stepped, you managed to step with the right foot. He moved in simple box-shaped movements, letting you get into the proper pattern. Your dress swished with every movement and part of you thought he might step on it, but Gabriel danced like he had doing it for years.

Your gazes remained locked, and soon he was circling you around the room and breaking the boxed pattern. You barely noticed, you were just glad that your feet were still moving in sync and you hadn't stepped on his toes yet. As the song progressed, you began to feel relaxed and allowed a small smile to form on your lips.

"Ah, there it is!" Gabriel remarked. You glanced to the side in confusion, only to see the twirling skirts of women being guided around the ballroom beside you. You dropped the smile and he frowned. "You are too serious, Miss Y/n."

"Whatever to you mean, Mr-"

"It's just Gabriel," he whispered. "But, you need to learn how to smile a bit more. Balls are quite dreary, trust me, I know, but you need to act like you're enjoying it."

You frowned, then allowed the little smile to return. He gave you another one of his smug, confident looks and turned you elegantly, his body in tune with every note in the slow music. But, there was a certain harshness to him, like he was someone who shouldn't be underestimated. You didn't care at the moment, you just felt lucky to be the partner of an amazing dancer.

The warmth between you grew more powerful by the second. Your heartbeat beating erratically along with it.

"Gabriel," you murmured, "everyone is looking at us."

He squeezed your hand slightly and glanced upwards. "Really," he chuckled softly, "I hadn't noticed."

That was when you decided to let go all of your uncertain feelings holding you down. All your anger, worries, or sorrow was gone. Right now, you were living. Nothing really mattered anymore. You let him take you wherever he pleased; he went right, you went right. He sped up, you sped up.

All too soon, the song ended, and you two released each other. The audience you had acquired applauded politely. You couldn't help but smile once more, this time, it was a full smile. He bowed once more, you curtsied in response.

"Miss Y/n, I will be awaiting our next dance." He leaned forwards and kissed your cheek. You stepped aside and watched as he went to the refreshment table and grabbed a piece of chocolate, and was blocked from your view by a swarm of men.

 You stepped aside and watched as he went to the refreshment table and grabbed a piece of chocolate, and was blocked from your view by a swarm of men

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