Olympics- Dean

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This is a part 2 of 'Track Meet- High School!Dean' from the 1st Supernatural Preferences and Imagines.

Requested by: Ca1tl1n1

By the way, I was at camp last week and phones/laptops/etc are not allowed. Since I am a CIT, I have to go back on Monday. I'll be home next weekend, then I'll be back at camp until August 25th. It will be slow updates but requests are still open.

I also published a new Preferences and Imagines book for all of you who likes Star Trek!!! Live long and prosper, y'all.

The 2004 Olympic Trials.

You were dressed and ready for your race. The 400m.

In high school, you had done your laps in remarkable times, definitely Olympic worthy. All these years later...

You continued hunting with your family but never stopped running in Track and Field. They joked that you should join the Olympic team despite the complications doing so. The background checks that they did would put you at too much of a risk at getting arrested. However this was different.

There were multiple deaths revolving around the trials. People would go missing after trying out and would turn up sooner or later. None of them were found alive.

So, your remaining/surviving family decided to use you as bait. Who better to try out than you?

You jumped through hoops to put together a safe ID and get past the background checks. Though, in the end it would be worth it. If everything turned out okay, you would have saved many people.

"All women trying out for the four hundred meter race please step into your lane. All four hundred meter women."

You sighed nervously and walked forwards. You stepped into lane 5 and looked at your competitors. These women had obviously trained hard. They deserved to go to the Olympics and survive the trials.

You then glanced at the cameras and the crowds. There was a man standing by the fence wearing a familiar leather jacket. He had dirty blonde hair and forest-green eyes. Though he was too far away to see close-up details, you could have sworn to recognize him.

"You all know the rules," an aged man said, snapping your mind back into focus. "Step out of your lane and you will be disqualified. No pushing or tripping. If we discover that you have been using any form of drugs to help you improve your time, you will be disqualified. Don't step over your line until the gun fires. If you do so, you will be disqualified and the gun will be fired twice to bring everyone back to the start. Those with the best times will represent America in the 2004 summer Olympics. Got it? Good luck." The man stepped to the side of the track and nodded to the man with the starting pistol.

"Runners, on your mark."

You crouched down and breathed deeply.

"Get set!"

Your heart beat quickened.

The pistol fired and you pushed yourself away from the starting blocks. Immediately your form was in place and your arms were pumping steadily at your side. You weren't here to win this race but you still had to look like you were trying.

You fell into a steady pace in fourth place. You glanced to the side and saw your father nod at you, liking your placement.

The crowd was screaming and cameras were flashing. Some were shouting encouragement at their loved ones and reporters were doing live interviews with runners on the sidelines.

You ran past the finish line in no time and let the coaches and Olympic directors guide you off the track.

Now, all you could do was wait to be kidnapped.

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