Two New Recruits (47)Part One

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     I was panting as my friend and I were running towards the destination that the goat guy managed to direct us to before dying. "Come on, Esperanza!" My best friend Faith urged, trying to get me to run faster. "You- know- running- isn't- my- thing!" I managed to pant out, glaring at my dark-haired friend.

     I let loose a huff of frustration as I pulled my wild hair away from my face again. I was really tempted to just cut it with one of my many daggers or swords. I glanced back. Big mistake. There was an army of Greek monsters chasing us. My eyes widened in terror. No, I'm not a coward. But this much, against only two of us.... I must've squeaked because Faith frowned and followed my gaze. 

     The daughter of Poseidon paled. "They're after me." Faith muttered, then turned to me. "Go! I'll hold them off!" Faith yelled, pulling out her sword Maelstrom. I hesitated for making a run for it. I saw a figure running towards me, glaring at the army, a sword in his hand. He had messy raven black hair and cold sea green eyes with flecks of gold, surrounded by a circle of gold that blended in with the green.

     "Is that your friend?" The guy asked, looking concerned. I nodded and leaned against the pine tree, panting. Then I remembered it's story. I was instantly alert. I stood up, and then I saw Faith. She was surrounded by the monsters, and was tiring. She wouldn't survive. I could already see it: Faith dying, then being turned into a salt water spring or something. A fountain. Something water-related.

     A monster raised it's weapon for the killing blow. And something inside of me just snapped.    

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