| Chapter Thirty - Four |

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Dear Diary,

A lot has been happening in these past few days.

Five days ago, my friend that likes him had sent me a text which just consisted of her ranting about him, saying that he really cares for her and they're true friends, which I know is true.

I just hope he doesn't obtain feelings for her before I even get the chance to get over him.

Later on that day, she had texted me saying, "Let me just see the gift I gave you for your birthday so I can give it to her for her birthday. I'll pay you back later."

I was furious that she would even think of doing that to me and I just couldn't stop thinking about how much money and time I put into getting her gifts for her birthday.

I was also heartbroken because I knew she was supposed to send that to him but it somehow got sent to me.

After that, she has swore that it wasn't meant for me and it didn't mean anything. She also explained that she was going to the mall later to buy me something and I just told her okay, leaving the conversation at that.

Then four days ago, my friends and I agreed that we should do something a little different for my birthday and I aggressively let them.

They had pitched in the idea that we should all vote for people that have the, "best smile," "most helpful," "funniest," etc. Whoever would win a category, they would win a certificate saying so. I thought it was the most fantastic idea that a birthday party could ever have.

After a while of discussing this on the group chat, he private messaged me his votes and he had voted me for being the most helpful and friendly which made me slightly happy seeing that he's picking me and not her.

Right before the party had started, I got a text from 'my friend' saying she had something to tell me and she was really excited to tell me. She had told me it would be something that would make me really happy. The big news that she was going to say is that she was over him and she didn't need a guy to make her happy.

I quickly texted her back that it was okay for him to like her and that we have no hard feelings towards each other and that I just want to hear the truth from her, not a lie that would make me happy.

I had then asked her if she had taken him with her to the mall like she had said so but she told me no because he didn't want to. I may have happy danced to that just a little bit.

I told myself, "Today's the day. The day I've always wanted. The day I'll take his attention a bit, take pictures with him and have fun! I'm going to finally see his beautiful eyes again and hear his rasping voice! I can't wait. I look stunning. The black dress suits me perfectly and my chocolate brown hair is curled fallen down my shoulder. He sure will notice me. I wish."

During the party, my friends had made me some surprises. When they came in, each one of them held a balloon that had different words written on them. They all walked past me as I kept reading the balloons and it made me happier than I already was. I could jump out of a six story window, I was so joyful and ecstatic.

One of them that I really remember had said, "happy birthday to the most beautiful and cheerful girl."

Then, seconds later I found them screaming, "SURPRISE!"

They then had pulled a big board out of nowhere that had said "Happy Birthday" really big on it and it had so many nice words written on it. He then came next to me and told me happy birthday, and that he hopes I like what they had done.

I, of course, had thanked all of them and told them that it was the best thing anybody has ever done for me.

They had also gave me a birthday gift that all three of them shared, and it was the hugest one I've ever seen. The wrapping on the outside had said it was from a store called Virgin Mega Store; it didn't really help my curiosity and my patience.

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