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I was once asked what's so different about love in our generation and a few decades ago? I was a little surprised by the question until I took a minute or two to think it through, this generation has ruined what we used to call "love".

Girls and women in this generation, tend to expect from men to be rich, having a good job and getting paid an excellent salary, owning a house or a mansion as well as paying the chèque at a restaurant or surprising you at work with flowers and chocolates and of course, remembering all the special dates and buying you a lot of gifts while also providing attention and care for them.

Making her friends jealous for having such a caring husband or boyfriend is what most girls in our generation are waiting for.

And men, as well as boys in our sick minded generation, tend to look for a women who has a curvy body, with full red lips, wide eyes, thin and could actually be a good mom and of course she can clean, cook and take good care of herself, her children and of course work.

So, basically, a man wants a respectable, decent super model maid that does basically everything from working in the house, working outside to bring money, take good care of herself and her children. And women, on the other hand, are looking for an ATM machine type of man that vomits money and care or attention so she could make her friends jealous on how amazing her ATM - uh - I mean man is.

Men are taught to pay for their women all the time but I think it's okay if both partners share the chèque together or pay for each other.

I stopped believing in love nowadays, or in other words, I stopped believing in people. We all want to live a fairytale but in movies, both stars actually sacrifice for one another.

What's love, you ask? Well, in my perspective, I think love isn't about expressing how much you love each other in words, nor call and ask about each other every 10 minutes or even posting pictures with him/her on your social media with a cute caption.

Love is all about showing your love by actions and accepting each others' flaws, not thinking for a second to change them. Love is when you see her/him coming back from work and they seem having a tough day, and you had a great day, just ask them how their day has went and try to make them feel better without mentioning a single word about how you had an amazing day.

Love is not being afraid to tell each other any mistake you've done. Love is being afraid to lose him/her and being there for them in each situation while also supporting them through all the ups and downs.

Love is sacrificing for your loved one. For example, if your partner finally got their dream job opportunity but they have to live abroad, then support them and let them accept the job and travel with them for the sake of them being happy at their own dream job even if you leave your family and work behind. Love is wanting to grow old and grey together.

Love is sharing secrets together and saying the littlest and tiniest details about your life such as what you like to eat or how your day went. Love is sharing the house duties together and taking care of the children together, men and women both should be a huge part of a child's life. Love is not arguing with your partner in front of the kids.

Love is helping your partner in everything and not feeling petty about it. Love is not saying "I love you" at the end of the phone call to express your love to your partner but saying it just for reassurance. Love is finding your happiness inside your partner, it's sacrificing your own happiness for your loved one's.

Love is letting go of your partner's mistakes. For example, if your partner burned/overdone the food they're cooking for dinner by mistake out of exhaustion just eat it silently and let it go because humans aren't robots and they make mistakes; it's normal.

Love is loving your partner like the first day you've met them, time won't change your love for your partner. Love is fighting for each other not fighting with each other. Love is forgiving each other and not holding grudges.

Love is remembering important dates in your relationship as if they were yesterday and making sure the love between you two are the same since that day. This generation needs to learn how to love unconditionally, forgive truly, fight for their partners, accept their flaws, apologizing, be grateful, sacrificing and be there for one another.

I believe there's still love in the world but in little amounts or at least less than older generations because if there wasn't at all, we would live in a world full of hate and no emotions and everyone stabbing each other in the back.

Love is rare yet its one of god's blessings given to us, unfortunately we misuse it but if we actually learnt how to love correctly, you'll know how blessed you are.

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