Emeralds for Eyes

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Chapter 1: New Clients (Amber)

"Amber!" I hear my dad yell. "Amber, sweetie, get up!" he yelled again. I groaned. Seriously I'm nineteen and need my beauty sleep after all the traveling I do with my dad.

"Amber! Come meet my new clients!" My dad was a music manager and I toured with him and his clients everywhere. My mom owned over fifty gyms in England and needs to stay home to manage the biggest, successful one.

"Alright! Let me get ready!" I yelled back. I got up, made my bed, and got dressed. I pulled my yoga crop pants up and pulled my Hunter Hayes concert v-neck over my head as it fitted against my body. I went to my joint bathroom and looked in the mirror. I brushed my dark brown hair that fell in perfect curls just below my chest and my bangs that were layered and swooped to the left side of my face. I put mascara on my long lashes that curl above my brown eyes. I got my heart shaped necklace with my birthstone from May, an Emerald, in the center.

"Dad?" I called. I always get lost in my own huge house. "Amber? Get to know my clients. I got a call from my boss to come in for a meeting. Bye, sweetie!" He called and closed the door to the garage. "Bye." I whispered with my head down walking into a room. I tripped and someone with strong hands gripped my waist to prevent me from falling. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up.

My eyes locking into someone who has beautiful emeralds for eyes. "Hi." Harry Styles smiled cheekily at me. "Uh, hi." I smiled back. He pulled me up and on the big family couch I saw the rest of the boys from One Direction.

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