Chapter 7: The Talk (Amber)

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All the boys were finally in their rooms, hopefully sound asleep, and I am laying in my bed checking my email. I heard a couple knocks on the door and Harry pokes his head in, "Can I come in?" "Sure." I smile at him. "Uh, your dad came home and he wanted me to tell you goodnight." He says. "Okay." I still smile at him. He smiles back and slowly makes his way toward my bed and lays down next to me.

After talking with him for an hour, we finally landed on the topic of relationships. "Harry, what kind of girls do you like?" I ask him, looking straight in his emerald eyes. He smiled at me. "A girl with a nose, lips, bum, hair, you know the usual." He jokes, laughing. I push him on his shoulder, "Ha ha very funny! I'm being serious Harry!" I'm lying next to him in bed, he's playing with the hem of my shirt. He bit his lip and brought his emerald eyes to lock with mine. "Fine." He says. "I like this girl that has the perfect smile. When she laughs, I can't help but feel butterflies flutter in my stomach. I always catch myself gazing into her eyes, losing myself in them. Her cheeks are perfectly plump and they just make me want to squeeze them and kiss them over and over. Her nose is adorable as well. And don't even get me started with her body!"

He went on, "She has the best curves. All I want to do is hold her waist tight in my arms and cuddle her all night. Her hair flows lovely beneath her chest." He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "I love how nervous she gets whenever I touch her. Her cheeks begin to turn red at any comment I make about her. The one thing I haven't quite gotten to judge is her lips," he suddenly begins to move closer and closer to me. His fingers tickled my arm as he stroked it softly. He rested his head on his hand as his elbow rested on one of my pillows. "I always wondered what it was like to feel her lips on mine. I want to be able to kiss her passionately." His thumb rubbed against my bottom lip. His words began to sound like a whisper. "I'm about to change that right now." He whispered before kissing me softly and licking my bottom lip in a teasing manner. He pulled away with a mischievous smirk on his face. "Just like I thought it would be." I ran my fingers through his curls, "What did you think it would be like?" He kissed me passionately in a unique rhythm. My insides were beginning to feel fluttery. He parted his lips away from mine with his forehead pressed against mine. I could feel his hot breath hit against my lips making me want to kiss him even more. He lightly presses his lips to mine. "Perfection," he whispered sweetly and continued to kiss me hard and deep. I pulled away to smile at him. I snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me, stroked my hair, and rested his chin on my head. "I don't think I've ever fallen so fast for a girl, till now." He whispered, kissing the top of my head. "I didn't think I could fall for someone who's known around the world, but look where I am." I say back, smiling to myself. I soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep, dreaming about Harry's kisses.

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