Chapter 29: London Darling

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Amber's POV

We entered our room and Harry slammed the door behind him, causing me to jump. He really can get scary when he's angry at times. I stand still, frozen on the spot, not daring to make a move. I feel a pair of warm arms snake around my waist and a pair of lips connect on my bare shoulder as my hair was pushed to one side. "I'm sorry baby." Harry mumbles against my skin. "I just don't like when the poor lad gets wasted and the fact that he walked home by himself, let alone have his hands on you."

I let out a deep breath and relax into his comforting warmth. "I understand. But Niall wouldn't do anything to hurt me." I feel his lips travel my skin all the way up to my neck and nuzzle his head there. "You never know love. He was piss drunk and he's not known for controlling himself when he's intoxicated." I decide to let this go, I didn't want this to turn into an argument. I honestly didn't want to move from this position. He's so addicting, like a drug, and I wouldn't dare start a fight with him. I'd be afraid of the outcome.

"I love you Amber." His voice is a whisper as he lets go of me and heads to change. "And I love you Harry." I stare at the ground as I pull up some night shorts and remove my shirt. Harry comes back in the room in only his sweats, torso bare. He still has a small smile on his face as he hands me his black shirt. I thank him quietly then move to slip it over my head. I breath in his smell that I've grown so accustom to. He smiles at me and lays down on the bed to only pull me down with him.

He picked me up to place me under the covers. "Baby your freezing." He kisses my nose and rubs his hands against my arms. "Well your warm." I giggle and poke his dimple, settling into him. His hands lift up the bottom of his shirt I'm wearing and he places one of his hands on my stomach, igniting the heat below my skin, as the other hand strokes my hair. "I am so lucky to have you hear with me. Besides the boys and my family, you are the only one who makes me feel normal. As well as loved, but loved different from the others because if you left me it would hurt. Hurt so much, that I wouldn't know how to make myself feel better. And here you are, basically holding the key to my heart, and you are just so beautiful. I can feel the way you relax when I wrap my arms around you or just simply kiss your forehead. The way your eyes flutter when your tired. How you squeal when my hand squeezes just above your kneecap. How your long eyelashes graze your cheeks and frame your big brown eyes perfectly. And when I tangle my fingers in your long chestnut hair and you close your eyes and part your lips, or even swoon you with sweet words from my heart, I easily know that I have the key to your heart in my hand as well." His words warm me, and make me sleepy. I hear him mumble a goodnight and an 'I love you' as he kisses my forehead and sends me into dreamland.

Harry's POV

I feel sort of wrong watching her sleep, but I can't help it. She is so beautiful, watching her chest rise and fall. Her lips part ever so slightly and she cuddles close to me as I stroke her hair. I can't get enough of this, how this feels. I want to make more time for her, and not have to drag her everywhere so she doesn't get sleep. I had never mentioned quitting the band to the boys before, but I feel like I should.

I need her, and I feel like if I continue down this path, I'll lose her. Like she'll find someone else to love while I'm gone, needing someone who isn't me. I can't take that chance, I just can't. I'll have to tell her about this too, but I'm honestly afraid of what she'll say. All I can do is worry, but I soon relax as I remember she is in my arms right now. So I fall asleep listening to her steady breathing.

Waking up this morning was hard, but it had to be done. And with the packing done, its easier to relax a little before we head to London. I just wore my basic black jeans and tee, with my boots and a blue beanie. Sitting on the bed waiting for my beauty to appear with the clothes she picked out for today. I set my phone down next to me as my eyes wander over to her figure that appears out of the closet, her eyes fixing on her buzzing phone. She has on tight black skinny jeans with a grey sweater and a big black heart on it, a grey beanie over her waves, and her grey toms. She had both of our sunglasses in her hand when she answered her phone. She looked flawless as her sweet voice ran through the air, "Mum?" A smile makes its way into her features. "We are going to London today actually but to record some songs." Her cheeriness dropped towards the end of the sentence. I think she misses her mum, and she often thinks of Anne as her second mum. I'm just glad my mum loves her as much as I do, and Gemma already treats her like a sister. "Hopefully I will. Have you talked to dad lately?" She fiddled with the hem of her sweater as she listened on the other end.

"Yeah I would too if I was in your position." She glances knowingly at me, and I acknowledge that her mum probably misses her dad. Just like she would for me. "I guess I practically am." She lets out a sad laugh. "I miss you too. Love you, bye." She clicks her phone and puts it in her back pocket. I get off the bed and do the same with my phone before moving over to her. I wrap my arms around her small figure, over her arms. She lifts her arms and her hands reach my shoulder blades.

"Why does it feel like your so far away?" Her voice cracks and I feel my heart break a little from hearing it. "I know your not, but that's how I feel. I see you all the time but I don't really see you. I want you in my arms constantly and I want to talk to you about everything, and not care what time it is. I want to draw you and see who you truly are. Really know the man I fell in love with. And you feel so far away." I look down at her but her head is down. My heart brakes at her words, this is exactly what I was talking about. I put my fingers under her chin and make her look up at me. "Don't you ever think I'm far away. Ever. And I mean it. If you ever feel that way, tell me, and I'll fix it. I was already thinking about this, but will discuss it when we get to London. Please don't cry baby, I want to see you smile. I love you with all my heart." I offer a small smile and she returns that. I lean down to kiss her lips and it soothes me and I feel her relax.

Our mouthes move in rhythm and all I can think about is making her happy and being her future. I am going to be the best Prince Charming to her. She pulls away and we pick up our suitcases. I intertwine my fingers with hers and we head to the airport along with the boys, who are joking around. And Louis repeatedly apologized but I forgave him. Once we arrived at the airport, or flight was soon called and we boarded it. I was soon dreading the conversation between me and the now calm goddess that was going to take place in London.

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