Chapter 25: Cuddles and Moscow

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Harry's POV

Once the concert was over, all the girls screamed and clapped for support. Our fans were crazy really, but great supporters for most things we do. I advert my gaze over to Amber and I see that she is making a beeline for backstage. All of us bid the crowd a goodnight and I followed the lads backstage.

We each branched off into our own dressing rooms to change. After the shows we had to go right back to the hotels and pack to leave the morning after. That's how this life was, constantly moving. Still so glad I didn't have to go on tour without Amber by my side.

I grab the knob to my dressing room door and slowly entered. Amber stood in the middle of the room, hands behind her back, bottom lip brought between her teeth. Honestly she looked stunning like that. I was just about to open my mouth to sweep her off her feet with sweet words, but she broke out into a sprint. I braced for impact as she jumped on me. I caught her and spun her around. "Baby I'm all sweaty." I chuckled, expecting she would realize that I was indeed sweaty and then freak out. "I don't care!!! You were amazing!" I set her down and she reached to place a kiss on my cheek.

"So I take it you recognized our first song?" Her mouth dropped open, causing me to chuckle. "I recognized it and I fell in love with it. Thank you." She gripped my neck to pull me down into her lips. We pulled away, "Your welcome love. I hope you love me more though." She looked up at the ceiling, "I don't know. I think I love the song more," my mouth hung open, jokingly, "kidding!!" She slapped my chest playfully. "Take a shower! Your gross and we have to leave!" I pulled her into a big sweaty hug, squeezing her tight. "Harry!! Gross!" Her squeals were muffled but still heard. I let her go and made my way to the showers, laughing at her pouting.

Amber's POV

When we got back to our hotel, Niall suggested going to a club and celebrate. Which, to my surprise, Harry declined. He said he was too tired to go out and dance, with that he pulled me in our room.

"I'm surprised that you want to go to bed early Harry." He plopped onto the couch right in front of me. He looked as cute as ever. All in his big sweater, sweatpants, and a beanie to pull his curls back. I still wonder why he's with a girl like me. "Not going to bed, just cuddling." He pulled me by my arm to fall on him.

I didn't object when he put his arms around me to snuggle closer. Putting his head in the crook of my neck to whisper by my ear, "I love you. And your hair smells nice." I giggle at his comment, then a rush of butterflies flooded my stomach. "Thank you Harry and I love you too." He made some cute cat noise and snuggled into me. I gave up on getting out of his grip and just rested my head on his chest. "I could cuddle you forever." I hear him mumble, sounding very tired. "Same here." I started to stroke his arm which led to him falling asleep soon after. But I couldn't sleep because of the beautiful boy beneath me looked so peaceful. Once we are on break again, I plan on drawing him. The thought of looking close to his face for a long period of time while he watched me, just made me smile and shoot shivers through my body. He's too beautiful and angelic not to draw. I soon closed my eyes at the thought of the boy who had my heart.

~6 months later~ Heading to Moscow

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