Chapter 18: Plane Ride With My Beauty (Harry)

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"Are you two lovebirds done packing?!" I lift my head up from Amber's neck when Louis yelled. I chuckled at how stupid that boy could be sometimes. "I guess he wants us downstairs." Amber tries to keep her laugh in. "I guess so." I pick up her zipped up suitcase along with mine as we make our way downstairs.

We see Louis with his back turned toward us at the bottom of the stairs. I look over at Amber, she has a huge grin on her face. She signals me to be quiet, I know she's up to no good. She tiptoes down a couple stairs, close to Louis. "Gotcha!" She jumped on Louis's back. He lets out a girly squeal as I laugh at the sight. Louis was carrying Amber around. "What was that for?!" Louis breaths out hard, probably trying to slow his heartbeat. "You yelled at us Boo." She kissed his cheek and I set our bags down by the others, next to the front door. "Forgot that my sister is a trickster. Can't wait to teach you new pranks on the bus." Amber stays on Louis' back, resting her head on his shoulder.

The other boys walk in, along with Amber's dad. "Ready to go kids? The private jet awaits and Paul is now loading up the suitcases." Rich claps his hands together and walks out the open door. The rest of the lads follow, as I am behind Louis with Amber still on his back. I take my opportunity and tickle Amber's sides, causing a small squeal to slip out of her mouth. Louis chuckles and sets her down in the limo we are taking to the airport. "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist." I coo to Amber who is burying her face in my chest.

Once we arrived at the airport and got on the jet, we all chilled out waiting for take off. I could see Amber was nervous, I knew she wasn't the best flyer. She felt my stare and turned to look at me worriedly. I pull her on my lap, "It'll be fine sweetheart. No need to worry." Amber burrows herself close on my lap, leaning on my chest. "I hope so." Her voice was hoarse when she said it. I kissed her temple, "I'm here and nothing bad will happen." "Prepare for take off to Rome, Italy." She smiles at me, she's always wanted to go to Rome. "Take a nap love." I whisper against her neck. I see her eyes flutter close and her breath slow. She looks absolutely beautiful. I'm lucky I have her, she loves me for the normal guy I am. Not the boy for the famous boy band. I nuzzle my face in the crook of her neck as we fly above London.

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