Chapter 22: Too Soon (Harry)

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She pulled me into the suite, giggling. "Today was really special for me Harry. So thank you." She smiled at the ground and she looked adorable. "It would've been special to anyone. So I'm glad it's you that was with me." She looked up at me and this time it was my turn to look at the ground. "Hey," she put her fingers underneath my chin to make me look at her, "it wasn't just the events that made today special. It was being with you, Harry. I love you." She gives me a small smile as my heart is immediately warmed by her words.

"I love you too." I smile at her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I lift her up and kiss her sweet lips, taking her into our room. I fall backwards onto the bed, her landing on top of me. She giggles onto my lips. When she pulls away she keeps her face close to mine. I stare at her beautiful features, her cute plump nose, her perfect pink lips, her rosy cheeks, and her warm brown eyes. I push a stand of her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"Amber, I love you so much. Words could not explain." A smile tugs on the corner of her mouth. She sighs and reaches up to run her fingers through my already pushed back hair. "Harry, I feel the same way." I smile at her and place my lips back on hers. She smiles into the kiss. She pulled away hesitantly, "I'm not ready for that just yet." I look down at her meeting her eyes. Louis was right, she was thinking about this. "It's okay love. I'm not either, it's too soon."

I pull us both up further on the bed. She snuggled closer to me, still on top of me. I wrap both of my arms around her. She settles her head on my chest along with her hands. "I'm so glad I get to come with you. I don't know how I would stand not being with you." I hear her mumble into my chest. "As am I. I wouldn't like it if you were all alone at your house while I'm all over the world." I gently rub up an down her back.

All I ever needed was right in front of me. Her. That's all I ever really need or want. I'm so lucky to have this happen to me. Fulfilling my dream of being a singer, leading me to great friends that are in the band with me, and now it lead me to fall in love with my managers daughter. Crazy, really. So much can happen in little time. But I'm glad it did, she means the world. And I know she doesn't want me to, but if there ever comes a time where singing tears me away from her, I will give it up. I never thought I'd do that for a girl.

My mom told me that if a girl truly made me feel that way, then it is love. I couldn't ask for things any other way. I look back down at her. Her breathing has slowed and is quiet, she fell asleep. She's had quite the day, and tomorrow she'll see me preform. I'll have to wake her eventually, make her dinner. But for now I decide against it, she looks too peaceful to disturb right now. I pull her close, receiving a groan escaping her lips, and I close my eyes as well. Just for a few minutes.

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