Chapter 15: Our Special Room (Amber)

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I led him upstairs to our new special room on the second floor a couple doors down from my room. I opened the door and he looked around with his mouth open. Taking in all the artwork and paintings on the walls around the room, my aquarium, my big desk, my large silky bed, and the clear doors that lead to the balcony.

"Wow." He said still looking around. "Did you make all this artwork?" He looked at me. "Yeah, it's what I do to pass time." I sat down on the bed. "Your very good babe." He smiles and makes his way over to me. He sits down next to me, "We'll have to use this bed sometime." He winks.

I giggle and shove him playfully. This boy is always so cheeky, but I loved it. I sigh, getting up and heading towards the door. "Babe, where are you going?" I hear his voice whine. I looked over my shoulder, and smile, "Heading to my room." I walked down the hallway, heading to my room. I heard Harry get up and start to follow.

I walk into my room, heading to my bed and sit in the middle, up against the headrest. I pulled my knees up by my chest, curling in a ball. Harry walks into my room, stopping right in front of my bed, smiling. I shyly smile back at him. He gets on my bed with his hands and knees and crawls towards me.

Finally he reaches me, with his hands on the bed by my waist, stretching over my knees to reach my face. He puts his nose to mine and I feel his hot breath on my lips, shooting a shiver down my spine. "You are so cute." "Awe, really?" I smile, looking into his emerald eyes. "I'll show you." He titled his head to the right and kissed me deep. He slipped his tongue in and his lips moved in a familiar rhythm with mine.

Just then I noticed Louis walked in my room, "Jeeze, don't swallow the poor lass Harry!" I pulled away from Harry, slipping out from underneath him. I got off the bed and headed for the door. I slowly walked past Louis, who was grinning at me. So I walked down the stairs and into the living room.

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