Chapter 23: The Gig (Amber)

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I wake up to a light shining on my face as I try to open my eyes. I look back down to the curly-haired boy beneath me. He looked so peaceful, with his arm wrapped protectively around me. I giggle, realizing we never changed out of our clothes last night. We haven't even gotten under the covers of the bed. I look back at Harry's sleeping figure, pushing back his curls that are already jelled up. I see a small smile form on his lips even though he's asleep.

I started to trace the features on his face till he wakes up. "Morning beautiful." His raspy morning voice makes it way to my ears as I stare up into his emerald eyes. Those eyes have always made me feel adored, always watching my every move. I smile and lean in to rub my nose against his. When I receive a chuckle from him, I know he likes this contact. I bring my lips down to his face, barely brushing his skin. I begin retracing his features with my lips. Running over his strong jawline, over his rosy cheeks, across his cute nose, finally hovering over his plump pink lips.

"Quit teasing me." His hot breath fans over my lips. I allow a small smile to form on my lips in satisfaction. My eyes flutter close as I feel him lean into me. Desperate for our lips to touch, having him pull me into a sweet kiss. Once he pulls away content with himself, I don't open my eyes. "Let me see those pretty brown eyes of your, love." I slowly open my eyes to focus on his, down to his lips, then back to his eyes. I feel one of his arms loosen from my waist, bringing it up to my face. His long fingers stroke my cheek as we stare into each others eyes.

He brings his hand down and that's when I grab it with my left one, entwining our fingers together. With my right hand, I push myself off of him and pull him up with me. "I'm going to change. I think you should too since you have a gig tonight." I giggle at his pouting face. There is no doubt he wants to stay here with me and I want to stay here too. Yet, he has to sing tonight and I get to watch him. I get to sit first row, center stage. If I wasn't dating one of the boys or friends with them all, I'd probably be fangirling over then at the concert. Never the less I think that feeling is gone now.

I pull out of his grip to get off the bed and carry myself to the drawers. I hear him get up and do the same thing, but he's quicker to pick his outfit and goes into a separate bathroom to change. I settle on a crème color dress that falls just above my knees and is tied in the back with a small baby pink bow. The dress is covered in small baby pink polkadots to match the bow. I grab some crème flats to match, placing Harry's airplane necklace on my neck along with the promise ring on my finger.

I go into the joint bathroom, being content with my dark brown curls and putting mascara on my lashes. Once I enter the bedroom again Harry is already standing there, waiting for me. A smile spreads along his lips in my recognition, "Hello beautiful." I approach him shyly, biting my lower lip. He's wearing basic black skinny jeans, his signature boots, plain black tee, with his curls pushed back. His hands rest on my hips as he pulls me forward. I place my hands on his chest, giggling.

I feel his heartbeat speed under my touch as I rest my hand over his heart. "You feel that?" My gaze averts to his eyes, searching them. I slowly nod waiting for his complete thought. "That's what you do to me." His lips whispered into my ear. With my left hand, I grab his right one and place it upon my left breast above my heart. I look into his eyes, my heartbeat rising to match his. "You have the same affect." A smile forms onto his perfect lips as his hands slip down to my waist. He pulled me closer to slowly lean his lips on mine, my hands sliding their way from his chest meeting the curls on the nape of his neck.

His sweet lips being gentle against mine. He always was careful with me, he was never rough with me and I was grateful for that. We pulled away to rest our foreheads together. I stated up at him in amazement, he looked like an angel. His green eyes, striking jawline, plump lips, toned muscles, unruly curls, and tall height. He was my guardian angel. "We should go meet the lads." I whisper breathlessly. A smile forms on his lips, reaching his eyes, dimples on full display. We pull apart but keep our fingers interlocked as he pulls me out of the suite.

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