Chapter 31: Gone

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Harry's POV

"Woah! A bit eager mate?" Louis chuckles as I push the boys through the door. "Shut up Louis. He probably wants to see Amber." Zayn pats me on the back while making his way to the kitchen. I walk past them and head straight for my room. "Amber?" I peer my head through the door to notice an empty room. I stride in there as soon as I see a bright pink sticky note on the night stand.

I pick it up and read it. What? What is this? Amber is. She's...gone? No, no, she couldn't have left. I dial her number but it sends me straight to voice mail. You've got to be kidding me. I search the room but she's not here. Panic sets in, and my chest aches for the missing love of my life. I burst out of the room and head into the living room where all the lads are. I must have looked bewildered because all their eyes grew wide. "What's wrong mate?" Louis leans forward on the couch. I thrust the sticky note towards him as the boys gather around to read it. "Is this for real?" Zayn looks up to me. I nod my head, pressing my lips in a thin line. "She can't just leave!" Louis tosses the note on the coffee table and paces around the room.

"There is no way she'd leave us, especially Harry." Liam acknowledges me while speaking to the boys. "Well she's not here!" Louis stops to yell but is quick to be quiet again. Niall is already crying on the couch, Zayn looks spacey, Liam is trying not to cry, and Louis looks frustrated and upset. And me? Well I'm slowly falling apart at the seams. She's wrong, this will not be better for me. "What made her leave?" Liam asks quietly as if not to upset me. "I told her I wanted to quit the band so I could give her a normal life." My voice cracked mid-sentence. "I've been thinking about that too, with the wedding coming up." Zayn nods when he brings up Perrie. "Same, Danielle would be thrilled to be with me more." Liam goes to calm Louis down. "So we are all on the same page then?" He asks more calmly then he appears. Niall gets a look of panic on his face. "Relax, we'll still be friends and see each other all the time." Liam reassures him while rubbing his back.

"But guys," my voice comes out hoarse, "she's not here..." They all look at me with sadness written on their faces. "We will get her back." Liam looks stern on his statement. I shake my head slowly, I know her, she won't just come back here. "Damn it Harry! We will get her back! We will not let the best thing that happen to you walk out of your life!" Louis outburst silences us all, but the boys agree. A small smile plays on my lips, I love them so much for this. But it's soon to fall once I realize she won't be here tonight in my arms or to tell me that she loves me. "I'm going to bed." They all nod as I turn on my heal to make my way back to my empty room.

Amber's POV

This trip has gotten better, minus the fact of the gaping hole in my chest. I miss him, his laugh, his smile, those eyes, just him. He'd love it here in Paris with me, it's quite the sight to see. But of course, it's a lovers paradise. Couples everywhere, on the streets of Paris, even in the romantic hotel I'm staying at.

I smile at all the cute little shops down this street. And as my black combat boots hit the stone of this street, I notice I'm one of the only single girls walking this street alone. Well, I'm not single. More like heart broken, but this was my choice. My leggings and Harry's sweatshirt weren't enough support for this chilly breeze, so I head back to my hotel. Which it's name I can't pronounce.

Once I get back into my room, I kick off my shoes. I go to tie my waves up in a ponytail, and strip my leggings off, so I'm just in Harry's oversized sweater. I sit on my window sill and just smell his sweater to remind myself of him. But this window has a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, and I love it. So would Harry. I have to stop. I feel my iPhone buzz and I see the caller ID was Louis. I decide to answer him, I miss him and he's my best friend.

"Hello?" My voice is strained. I heard muffle voices of, "Is that her?" "Really?" "Louis?" I try to get his attention. "I'm here." His voice sounds hurt, and a pang of guilt hits me. "Am I on speaker?" My voice comes out more quiet than intended. "Yes you are." I heard the boys shift around. "I don't think-" "No. He's a train wreck without you. He's as close to the phone as possible. We all miss you, and Harry's broken." I heard small agreements in the background but especially Harry's voice, it sounds so broken. "Please come home." He begs and my heart brakes further. "I can't. It's what's best." I heard more shuffling and some 'Harry come back!'s. "Alright, your off speaker, and I'm in a different room." I sigh of relief but then a question pops up, "Did Harr-" "Yes." He answers my question without hesitation. "Amber, where are you?" "I can't tell you." He sighs through the phone. "Yes you can. I won't tell. But I need to know." I will tell him, I trust him. "Promise you won't say anything?" "Promise." He chuckles to lighten the mood. Oh how I already missed his laugh and jokes. "Paris, France." I hear his breath hitch. "You always wanted to go there wi-" "Harry, yes." My heart aches more from missing him.

"Come home." "No." My response is quick. "We all need you here, if not Harry does." "I know,'s late. I have to go to bed." He groans in frustration, "Alright, don't get into trouble. I love you little bear." I giggle a little, "Night, love you too boo bear." Once I hang up, I realize the heart brake is worse. I'm a terrible person.

I miss the boys..... I miss Harry...

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