Chapter 30: You What?

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Harry's POV

Once we touched down in London, we headed straight to our little house that management bought for us all. No one bothered to unpack because we all figure that we won't be here long.

"What are you thinking about mate?" I turn to see Liam sitting across the table and looking at me with curiosity. "Oh it's nothing, just sorting things out up in here, ha ha." It was kind of true, I was thinking about the conversation that will unfold before we go to the studio between Amber and I. "Well if you need to talk, I'm always here." Liam offers a smile when he gets up to the fridge. He's a good lad really, he makes the best brother. I look around the small living room to see what the boys are up to.

I see Zayn sitting on the lounge chair, smiling like a mad man on the phone. He's probably talking to his fiancé, Perrie. Louis looks like he's tweeting something to Eleanor, the lad always thinks of witty yet romantic things to say. And Niall is well, eating food, nothing exciting. I let out a sigh, knowing what's coming next. I get off my chair and head straight for my bedroom upstairs. I lightly open the door and glide in, closing it softly behind me. Then I see her. Sitting on the cushioned window sill, laid back and reading a copy of Romeo and Juliet, a small smile so evident on her face. I smile to myself and walk over to her spot.

"Hey gorgeous." She lifted her head up from the book, giving a small smile and marking her page. "Hey." I give her a kiss on her forehead, "I need to talk to you about something, and I need you to hear me out and understand." Her happy look changes into a look of concern, "Of course." I allow myself a deep breath and a moment to collect myself. "I was thinking about what you were talking about before we left yesterday, and actually way before that happened, but you bringing it up triggered it again. And well I just think that giving the circumstances, the band should split up." Her mouth hung agape but she didn't say anything, waiting for me to continue. "It's not that I don't enjoy my time with the boys or anything and certainly not because I'm taking the singer thing for granted. But I just want to spend all my time with you, and I would love to give you a life you deserve. I'd want us to live in our own house with normal jobs and lives, with our little children running about. And I feel like I can't give that to you with my life like this. I also can't ever stand losing you and I feel like that will happen if I continue with this career, you will feel alone and find someone else who can give you the things I can't. So I wanted to get this off my chest and hopefully talk to the boys about this." I let out a breath and felt the weight lifting off my shoulders.

I stared at her waiting for a reply, comment, anything. But she just sat there with her mouth open, eyes darting to everything in the room except for me, and her hands were constantly running through her waves. I'd give anything to know what's on her mind right now. "You think you can do that for me?" Her voice was quiet and her stare was on the floor, not me. "Yes." My foot began to tap do to the anxiety that I'm feeling right now. "You can't. I won't let you give this up. And how dare you think that I'd leave you for someone else, thinking that they'd give me things that you obviously can give me." She never picked up her gaze as her quiet yet icy words left her mouth. "I'm-" "HARRY!!! STUDIO TIME!!!" I was interrupted by Louis's loud voice. I walked closer to her position to say my goodbye.

Amber's POV

I felt his soft lips touch my forehead and his hand cupping my left cheek, but I didn't move. When he pulled away I saw the pain in his eyes from me not reacting. "I've gotta go, I'll be back soon. I love you Amber, please think about this." He heads for the door and before he shuts it, gives me one last pained glance, then closes it. I can't believe what he just told me moments ago. He can't leave the band, I won't let him. He honestly thinks I would leave him for someone who I don't want! because I only want him. And honestly, he can give me those things. It won't be like everyone else's life, but it's not supposed to be like that.

I'm safe to get up once I hear the car pull out of the drive. I bolt up and grab my book and move to open the closet. I grab my suitcase, that has everything in it still, and toss it on the bed. I began to pace around the room, I have to do something about this. He needs to not think like this, it's not good for his career. I unzip my suitcase and grab my laptop. I logged on and began searching for flights I could take. Once I found a perfect place to go, I booked it.

Neatly placing things back into my suitcase and tidying things up a bit, I was going to leave. I don't want to, it's for the best. It's for Harry, I love him. I grab a sticky note and a pen and go to write. 'Harry, I don't want you to think this way anymore. You need to stay with the boys and do your own thing. I left, but I'm not telling anyone where I'll be, so please don't waste your time looking for me. This is for the best. But, don't think I'll be with anyone else, cause I won't. I'll forever love you. Love, Amber xxxx'

I tore the sticky note off it's pad and put it on the nightstand along with the pen. I wanted to cry so badly, but I couldn't let anyone see me. I called up a taxi and it came to pick me up, taking me to the airport. Once there, I booked it to my flight location, hoping no one spotted me. And as we boarded the plane and I sat down, it finally hit me. I left Harry. I promised I wouldn't, but I did. I felt the tears stream down my face, feeling my heart cracking thinking of his pained expression. Which, in about an hour or so, would be ten times worse once he gets home and reads the note I left. I left no trace of me, but my heart shaped necklace with the Emerald in the middle for him. And I still had the ring, the airplane necklace, and his sweater. Once we took off, I didn't dare to turn on my iPod, because I knew some sad song would come on and make me cry harder than I am. But I'm doing this for Harry, so he'll focus.....

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