Chapter 16: Packing for the Tour (Harry)

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Amber left the room and Louis turned around, looking like a moron. "I saw that!" "Saw what?" Time to play my innocent act. "You and Amber kissing. You were like..." Then he closed his eyes, stuck out his tongue, and wiggled it around. I picked up a fluffy pillow sitting on her bed and chucked it at his face. He fell over in a fit of laugher as I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Louis!" He got up off the floor, leaving the room, still chuckling like a clown. I got off the bed and left the room, looking for Amber. I found her in the living room, cuddled up on the sectional couch. I smiled to myself, I am so lucky to have a sweet and adorable girlfriend. I walked over to the couch, sitting next to her. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me. "How come you left earlier?" I kiss the top of her head.

She giggles, "Because Louis walked in on us." "Well I didn't want to stop." I whispered in her ear. She lifts her lead to look up at me and smiles. One of her small hands reaches up, wraps around my neck, softly stroking my curls. I lean down to whisper, "Let's start where we left off." I kissed her, slipping my tongue in her mouth. God, I loved this girl.

Then Liam walks in the room talking, everyone has to interrupt. "Hey guys, I was wondering if you wanted to...." He paused to look at us, but I didn't stop kissing her. "Oh." He looked away. "Well me and the boys will be in the pool if you want to join us." Scratching his head, stalking off in the direction he came from.

"Should we join them?" I hear her mumble against my lips. "But that would mean I have to stop kissing you." She smiled against my lips that are pressed to hers. "We could at least get some rest, it is late." She whispers and pulls away. I groan, "Fine." She giggles then pecks my cheek, getting up. "Come on." She holds out her hand. I get up, taking her hand, and we head back upstairs to her room.

"Wait." She stops and looks over at me. "We should sleep in the silky bed in our room tonight." I explain. She raises her eyebrows at me, wanting to know more. "To have more privacy and it looks really comfy." She smiles and we turn around and head to our room.

Once there, I take off my clothes, except for my boxers. "What are you doing?" I hear her ask as I shut the door. "This is how I'll sleep." I smile at her, I noticed she had rosy cheeks because I was only in my Calvin Klein boxers. She kicks off her flats, takes out her headband, takes off her sweater, puts her promise ring on the desk, and sets her Ray Bans next to it. So she's left in her tank top and shorts.

She climbs into bed and I get in right next to her. I was right, this bed was comfy. I scoot closer and wrap my arms around her, pulling her to my chest. "Goodnight love." I kiss her deeply. I am the first to pull away this time, she smiles up at me and snuggles into me. Not too long after I heard her breathing get softer and calmer, indicating she was asleep. I rest my head on hers and closed my eyes, ready for sleep to consume me.

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