Chapter 20: Sight Seeing (Harry)

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I stood in the little kitchen, waiting for her and Louis to come out. I looked at the ground. I was planning on taking her to the famous Colosseum and to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I smiled to myself, already picturing her excitement. I'm really glad I met her, I've never felt this way about anyone else. I feel like I need to protect her and be with her. Louis was the only one I told about these feelings. He said that they came naturally with the one you love.

I heard the door leading to the bunks open. Louis stepped out and grinned widely at me. Amber came out behind him. She looked breathtaking. She was wearing faded blue skinny jeans, a navy blue tight top that got flowy underneath the chest, a maroon cardigan that was open and fell about mid-thigh. She had maroon moccasins and was wearing her birthstone necklace and our promise ring. Her hair was crimped and her bangs perfectly fell on the left side of her forehead. She wore light make up, I always tell her she doesn't need it, but she argues against that. But she still looked gorgeous.

She caught me staring and locked her brown eyes with my green ones. A smile lit up her face, which I loved. "You look gorgeous." I couldn't quite find the right words. She giggles, "Thank you. But I have to give credit to Louis, he picked out my outfit." I turned to Louis and strode over to him. Amber goes to get her phone that was back in the living room. I pat Louis back and whisper, "Thanks mate." He grinned, "No problem. Not to be gross or creepy, but I saw what she's wearing underneath. I just want to say, good luck tonight." He whispered back to me with a wink. My eyes widen at the thought as Amber walked back into the room.

"Ready?" I turn my attention toward her. I nod, smiling and grabbing her hand, trying to shake the thought of tonight out of my head but I just couldn't. The thought was too great. "Let's go. The boys are going to check into our hotel later." I pull her out of the bus and close the door.

Me and her start walking towards the Colosseum, fingers intertwined. She was walking really close to me, it was just a tad chilly. "Where are you taking me?" She smiles up at me. She was so beautiful. "You'll see." I leaned down and pecked her lips. As we walked through a park, you could easily see the Colosseum in view. I looked over at Amber. Her eyes were looking around, mouth opened, taking in the beauty around her. Even though she doesn't know that she fits in here because she is also a beauty. We stopped in front of the Colosseum, she gazed up at it. "Come on." I tugged her smiling. We climbed the stairs and reached the top. We climbed onto the roof and looked down below. "It's beautiful Harry." A smile spreads on her face as she snaps a picture. I pulled her into me using my arm and snapped a picture of us together. "I'm going to tell you something I never told anyone else." She looks up at me. "What's that love?" I search her eyes. "If someone were to propose to me I would like it to either be here or on the Eiffel Tower in Paris." She looked away when she finished. I'm going to keep that in mind, I knew this girl was the one. She's so insecure, but she shouldn't be. "I can make that happen some day." I put two fingers under her chin, making her look at me. I search her eyes, seeing love in them, "I love you." A smile spreads on her face, "I love you too Harry." I lean down and kiss her. It was nice and slow, full of love. This is only the beginning of our relationship.

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